CSU Faculty Prepared to Strike for 5 Days in AprilUnion leaders for Cal State University faculty on Mondayannounced strike dates across all...Dulaney, Josh
Faculty members at California State University campuses are expected to return to work Tuesday after a tentative agreement was reached with the California Faculty Association, ending theunion’s planned five-day systemwide strikeafter one day. The agreement includes a 5% general salary increase for al...
CSU Faculty Vote Overwhelmingly to StrikeFaculty in the 23-campus Cal State University system have votedoverwhelmingly to authorize a...Dulaney, Josh
CSU Faculty Threaten Strike VoteDulaney, Josh
CSU faculty votes to strikeKelly PuenteRyan Hagen
Why CSU Faculty Are Taking a Strike Vote: Guest CommentaryFirst and foremost, California State University faculty began astrike vote because we care about...Taiz, Lillian
CSU Faculty Seek 5 Percent Raise, Will Begin Strike VoteLONG BEACH -- Faculty at the 23-campus, Long Beach-basedCalifornia State University system will...Service, City News
CSU Faculty Demand Raises, Vote on Strike This MonthMurphy, Katy