CString::GetLength intGetLength()const; Return Value A count of the bytes in the string. Remarks Call this member function to get a count of the bytes in thisCStringobject. The count does not include a null terminator. For multibyte character sets (MBCS),GetLengthcounts each 8-bit character;...
hualimengyu Cstring getlength 在多字节(ANSI)环境里面 int iCount = 0; CString strMyString; strMyString = _T("中文字符"); iCount = strMyString.GetLength(); //iCount = 8 strMyString = _T("English char"); iCount = strMyString.GetLength();//iCount = 12 strMyString = _T("混合cha...
sCommands = sCommands.Right(sCommands.GetLength()-1); }if( !sCommands.IsEmpty() && !sDir.IsEmpty() ) { CString sCommand = sCommands.Left(1); sCommands = sCommands.Right(sCommands.GetLength()-1);if(m_wndNicks.m_sUserModeSettings.Find(sCommand) !=-1) {//This is a user mode ...
CString::GetLength()获得字节数 按照MSDN的说吗,在选用MBCS多字节字符串编码时,该方法会得到正确的字节数。此时没有问题。 For multibyte character sets (MBCS),GetLengthcounts each 8-bit character; that is, a lead and trail byte in one multibyte character are counted as two bytes. 但是在Unicode编码...
“If you use the pointer returned by GetBuffer to change the string contents, you must call ReleaseBuffer before using any other CString member functions. ” 即调用GetLength()之前,先掉用ReleaseBuffer()函数; 例如: S.ReleaseBuffer(); for(i=0; i<S.GetLength(); i++) // 对加密结果进行转换 ...
关于Cstring::GetLength() strText.GetLength(); 返回的是字符个数(不包括结尾的空字符),要视乎你编译是UNICODE还是MBCS(多字符集)。CString 本身就是TCHAR的封装,所以你定义了UNICODE那么他就占两个字节,否则就是一个字节。 我通常使用下面代码来取得字符串的字节数:...
CString::GetLength()获得字节数的正确方法 前段时间,做http协议上传文件及断点续传控件时,在客户端采用C++调用CHttpConnection、CHttpFile进行文件上传。移植到Unicode编码时,上传得到的文件总是小于正常文件。最终发现问题出在CString::GetLength()方法上。当采用Unicode编码时,而且http header字符串中出现了中文或其其他多...
CString::GetLength 返回的是字节数,而sizeof( _TCHAR )的值是1,所以archive.Write( str, str.GetLength( ) * sizeof( _TCHAR ) ); // valid相当于archive.Write( str, str.GetLength( ) ); // valid
int GetLength( ) const;返回值:返回字符串中的字节计数。说明:此成员函数用来获取这个CString对象中的字节计数。这个计数不包括结尾的空字符。对于多字节字符集(MBCS),GetLength按每一个8位字符计数;即,在一个多字节字符中的开始和结尾字节被算作两个字节。示例:下面的例子说明了如何使用CString::...
1.int GetLength( ) const; 说明:获取CString类对象包含字符串的长度(字符数)。 2.BOOL IsEmpty( ) const; 说明:测试CString类对象包含的字符串是否为空。 3.void Empty( ); 说明:使CString类对象包含的字符串为空字符串。 4.TCHAR GetAt( int nIndex ) const; ...