CSTR币简介 所有 APP钱包 PC钱包 硬件钱包 冷钱包 热钱包 BOSS Wallet (Web3经济通行证) 评分 BOSS Wallet是一款基于一组种子身份兼容多链的去中心化多链钱包。支持用户使用任何币种在各个公链上代替gas费进行0 gas币转账,BOSS Wallet集成硬件设备和软件客户端进行整体设计,旨在为用户提供一个安全可靠、便捷、用户...
Modelling of Batch Reactors and CSTRs Containing Core-Shell Catalytic Pellets with Various Morphologies under Non-Isothermal ConditionYoung-Sang Cho
Transient responses of reaction-desorption process were predicted from mathematical solutions of modeling equations for CSTR (continuously stirred tank reactor) containing core-shell adsorbent particles. Analytical solutions on the core-shell particles were derived for core-shell spherical, cylindrical, and ...