5 如下图左侧任务栏最后一行,选择 Tables-1D Results -Realized gain ,这样增益就出来了,这个示例只有一个频点的增益,如果想多个频点的增益,需要在Farfield/RCS增加多个频点。
点击Farfiled Plot选项卡下Properties的图标,弹出对话框如下图所示: 很多时候我们需要将仿真和测试结果进行对比,通常测试得到的是Realized Gain,我们选择Plot Mode选项卡将方向性系数Directivity改成Realized Gain,并点击Apply,如下图所示: 也可以直接在Farfield选项卡下直接修改,如下图所示: 我们点击farfiled(f=1.09)[...
oStep Size 可以设置1D/2D/3D 远场结果的角度分辨率输入的步长值越小,显示结果取点越密。 Directivity、Gain、Realized Gain等结果类型变更可以在Farfield Plot 菜单中轻松设置。常见功能可以在Farfield Plot 菜单中直接设置,详细的设置可以打开Farfield Plot菜单中的第一个图标Properties执行。发布...
这个和HFSS gaintotal 与 realizedGain的区别一样的
I'm having an issue with the online AR-Filter in CST - it can produce accurate S11 and speed up simulation greatly, but the radiation efficiency seems to be very low. Every simulation ends up with very low gain/realized gain when I use the AR-Filter. When I simulate without it, there...
54、er)、净输入功率(Acceptableer)、辐射功率(Radiateder)、最大辐射强度(Max U)、辐射效率(RadiationEfficiency)、方向性系数(Peak Directivity)、最大增益(Gain)、最大实际增益(Peak Realized Gain)、和前后向比(Front to back Ration)。1输入功率在 HFSS 中,此处的输入功率是指定义的端口激励功率,默认值为 1W...
Compared with the counterpart RA with square element and the parabolic reflector, this optimized Minkowski RA is resulted to be capable of providing higher realized gain and lower sidelobe level (SLL). Furthermore, the effect of feed movement along the focal length on the gain-bandwidth and ...
3G and most 4G beamforming antennas were limited to eight transceivers, providing a moderate increase in gain—perhaps a factor of 3. With 5G, we are seeing massive MIMO (M-MIMO) beamformers with 16, 32, or even 64 transceivers. These antennas typically integrate the radio and antenna into...
I realized the 4 coordinators they just hired with No experience are starting off at $55k. Yes, where I am now after 8 years. What’s a salary range I should ask for, for the management position? I have a number in mind jus curious 1 reactions Like 13 Commen...