2729S CST试剂 Normal Rabbit IgG 兔免疫球蛋白G 250 ul 【详细说明】 上海嵘崴达实业有限公司,专业经营生命科学领域的科研试剂、仪器和实验室消耗品,致力于向国内生命科学研究人员提供*的产品和服务。www.runwelltac.com 我们代理和经销的分子生物学试剂、生化试剂、免疫试剂、细胞培养试剂、制药工业原料、实验仪器与...
产品名称 Normal Rabbit IgG 产品规格 250ul 有效成分含量 90% 是否进口 是 用途范围 一抗 CUT&Tag 1:50 Applications: IP, ChIP, C&T Concentration 1 mg/ml Sensitivity Endogenous 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广...
CiteAb CiteAb 是全球知名的第三方生物试剂搜索网站,每年都会在全球范围内发布前一年引用量 Top 100 的抗体名单及相应供应商,旨在帮助科研人员找到最高质量的抗体。 最近,CiteAb 发布了 2021 年高引用抗体 Top 100 的名单,其中,来自 Cell Signaling Technology(CST)...
13987T c-Myc/N-Myc (D3N8F) Rabbit mAb #13987 20 μl CST 现货 9509T Cleaved Caspase-9 (Asp353) Antibody 20ul CST 现货 2258T PU.1 (9G7) Rabbit mAb 20 μl CST 现货 2729S Normal Rabbit IgG #2729 250ul CST 现货 8173T Acetyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) (D5E4) XP Rabbit mAb 20ul...
2725S SHIP1 (C15C9) Rabbit mAb 100 ul2726S SHIP1 (P290) Antibody 100 ul2727S SHIP1 (C40G9) Rabbit mAb 100 ul2728S SHIP1 (D1163) Antibody 100 ul2729S Normal Rabbit IgG 250 ul2730S SHIP2 Antibody 100 ul2731S Phospho-Lyn (Tyr507) Antibody 100 ul2732S Lyn Antibody 100 ul2733S ...
(C29F4) Rabbit mAb, 10 µl of CBP (D9B6) Rabbit mAb, or 2 µl of Normal Rabbit IgG #2729 using SimpleChIP®Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit (Magnetic Beads) #9003. The enriched DNA was quantified by real-time PCR using human ALS2 exon 1 primers, SimpleChIP®Human NR4A3 Promoter...
2729S Normal Rabbit IgG, 250 ul KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 2730S SHIP2 Antibody, 100 ul KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 2731P Phospho-Lyn (Tyr507) Antibody, 40 ul KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 2731S Phospho-Lyn (Tyr507) Antibody, 100 ul KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 2732S Lyn Antibody, 100 ul KIT Cell...
AP sites are pre-mutagenic lesions that can prevent normal DNA replication so the cell contains systems to identify and repair such sites. Class II AP endonucleases cleave the phosphodiester backbone 5' to the AP site. This gene encodes the major AP endonuclease in human cells. Splice variants ...
2729S Normal Rabbit IgG 250 ul 2730S SHIP2 Antibody 100 ul 2731P Phospho-Lyn (Tyr507) Antibody 40 ul 2731S Phospho-Lyn (Tyr507) Antibody 100 ul 2732S Lyn Antibody 100 ul 2733S Numb Antibody 100 ul 2734P Yes Antibody 40 ul 2734S Yes Antibody 100 ul 2735S XRCC1 Antibody 100 ul 27...
essential for normal steroidogenesis and the maintenance of normal adrenal weight, and lipotropin beta are the major end products. In other tissues, including the hypothalamus, placenta, and epithelium, all cleavage sites may be used, giving rise to peptides with roles in pain and energy homeostas...