In this research paper, the authors have designed a micro-strip rectangular patch antenna used in educational broadcasting Service (EBS). The EBS is reserved by Federal communication commission to be used for educational purposes and devices. Wi-Fi routers, sensors designed in this particular band ...
README GPL-3.0 license Design and Fabrication of Mircostrip Patch Antenna Part 1: Microstrip Design: Analytical Modeling in MATLAB Part 2: Antenna Design: Analytical Modeling in MATLAB Part 3: Fabrication and experimental: Microstrip transmission line and Antenna fabrication.About...
The most commonly used microstrip patch antenna has similar structure as microstrip line. On one side of the thin dielectric substrate layer, is an extremely thin layer of the conductor, which forms the radiating elements, and on the downwards side is the ground plane, which is also made of ...
The dimensions of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna have 38mm×29mm×0.13mm. This antenna is designed using lossy FR-4 substrate material used as a dielectric with reduced size of 76mm×58mm. Its dielectric constant is 4.4 and 1.6mm thickness. This paper presents CST Microwave Studio. ...
This paperis mostly focused on the designing of an inset fed patchantenna which has been carried out by using CST studiosuite. The aim of this paper is on the measurement of returnloss, VSWR and bandwidth of designed patch antenna.Keywords: Microstrip Patch Antenna, CST, inset feedmicrostrip ...
This slot is used to stop the harmonic frequency of radiating element. The harmonics are present at the integer multiple of patch antenna. The gain of the is achieved. Radiation pattern of the patch also calculated. Different slots are analyzed.P.Sanath kumarMrs.D.sungeethaMr.R.Parthasarathy...
Patch antenna has a narrow bandwidth so it has a complexity in tunings, so there is a requirement to increase the bandwidth of patch antenna.This paper presents a compact size rectangular microstrip dual patch antenna to enhance bandwidth of 2.4 GHz simple rectangular microstrip patch antenna ...
L. ShrivastavaDharmendraRishishwar, LaxmiShrivastava, "Dual-Band MicrostripPatch Antenna Using Frequency Selective Surface for Satellite Communication System in S Band", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science &Technology, Vol. 1,Issue 1 Oct-Dec 2013....