There are a few ways to center a div in CSS. And yes, it's possible to center div vertically and horizontally — though doing so vertically is a bit trickier. I'll walk you through both of these methods below. Then, I'll share how you can center div...
<div id="vertically_center"> <p>I am vertically centered!</p> </div> <div id="extra"><!-- ie comment --></div> </div> CSS Code 复制代码 代码如下: <style type="text/css"> html, body{ height: 100%; } #parent { height: 500px;/*定义高度,让线盒型div#extra有一个参照物,可...
Lastly, set the value center to both the justify-content and align-items properties.The example below will vertically as well as horizontally center the text inside the div. We can use these two properties only inside a flexible container.Thus, we can center a div using flexbox....
<divid="parent"><divid="vertically_center"><p>I am vertically centered!</p></div><divid="extra"><!-- ie comment --></div></div> CSS: <styletype="text/css">html,body{height:100%; }#parent{height:500px;border:1pxsolid red; }#vertically_center,#extra{display: inline-block;vert...
Vertically Align Text You can center text vertically in a number of ways. For the methods below, the text will have to be contained by a parent element, like a div. Let’s start with the easiest. Note that if you want your text to also be horizontally centered, simply add the text-...
<div id="container" style="border:solid 1px red;"><span style="background:blue;color:#fff;font-size:20px;line-height:60px;">center glyphs vertically in an inline box.</span></div> 1. 不是说好了会垂直居中吗?你看字母x明明就在div#container中线的下方呢!
text-align: center; } .inline-block-center div { display: inline-block; text-align: left; } .flex-center { display: flex; justify-content: center; } 垂直居中 垂直居中在CSS中有点棘手 内联元素(inline or inline-*)居中,像文本和链接那样的?
If you only have a single word or a single line of text, there is a clever way to vertically center it in a block with CSS. You set the line-height of that
</div> #wrapper { display: table; } #cell { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } 优点: 1、内容可以动态地改变高度(不用在CSS里定义)。 2、空间不够的话内容不会被截断。 缺点: 1、不支持IE(即使是IE8 beta)。 2、多余的标签(没那么糟,看你自己怎么认为)。
horizontally and vertically Center Align Elements To horizontally center a block element (like <div>), usemargin: auto; Setting the width of the element will prevent it from stretching out to the edges of its container. The element will then take up the specified width, and the remaining spac...