Thetext-alignCSSproperty sets the horizontal alignment of the inline-level content inside a block element or table-cell box. This means it works likevertical-alignbut in the horizontal direction. 就是说其实text-align跟vertical-align类似,只不过text-align是水平,vertical-align是垂直。 利用text-align,...
text-align:center; } /* If the text has multiple lines, add the following: */ .center p{ line-height:1.5; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; } Try it Yourself » Center Vertically - Using position & transform Ifpaddingandline-heightare not options, another solution is to use...
在CSS 中,文本的水平居中可以简单地用 text-align: center 来实现。因此,再加上 margin: auto 就可以实现 DIV 元素的水平居中。例如:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>horizontal center in css</title> <style type='text/css'> #parent {...
Center alignment of a block-level element is one of the most important implications of the CSS margin property. For example, the <div> container can be aligned horizontally center by setting the left and right margins to auto.ExampleTry this code » div { width: 50%; margin: 0 auto; ...
.center{line-height:200px;height:200px;border:3pxsolidgreen;text-align:center;}/*如果文本有多行,添加以下代码:*/.centerp{line-height:1.5;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;} 尝试一下 » 垂直居中 - 使用 position 和 transform
方法一:使用table布局,将元素放入td中。方法二:给块级元素设置display: tablecell和verticalalign: middle。但注意,IE6和IE7不支持此样式。注意:以上方法的选择取决于具体的布局需求和浏览器兼容性要求。在实际开发中,可能需要结合使用JavaScript或额外的HTML结构来实现更复杂的布局需求。
Vertical-Align Horizontal centering with css is rather easy. When the element to be centered is an inline element we use text-align center on its parent. When the element is a block level element we give it a width and set the left and right margins to a value of auto. With text-alig...
Horizontal:指定背景图像的水平位置。可以指定为left(左边),center(居中),right(右边);也可以指定数值,如20px是指背景距离左边20象素。相对应的CSS属性是” background-position”。 Vertical:指定背景图像的垂直位置。可以指定为top(顶部),center(居中),bottom(底部);也可以指定数值。相对应的CSS属性是” background...
Table technique: html, body, #wrapper { height:100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } #wrapper td { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; } <table id="wrapper"> <tr> <td><img src="logo.png" alt="" /></td> </tr> </table>Psst...
We’ve all seenmargin: 0 auto;for horizontal centering, butmargin: auto;has refused to work for vertical centering…until now!But actually (spoiler alert!) absolute centeringonly requires a declared height and these styles: .Absolute-Center { ...