-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(2em); backdrop-filter: blur(2em); } } The filter will work incurrently supportedbrowsers. (Safari and Chrome with experimental Web Platform features enabled) The code should also work in future browsers that support unprefixedbackdrop-filterif the spec doesn't c...
Since we decided to abandon vendor prefixing in favor of feature flags, I want to see anything that’s still prefixed get unprefixed, in all browsers. Keep the support for the prefixed versions, sure, I don’t care, just let us write the property and value names without the prefixes, ...
backdrop-filter 是一种 CSS 属性,它可以让你对一个元素的背景或背景区域应用图形效果,比如模糊、色彩变换等。它和 filter 属性的效果类似,但是 filter 属性是对元素的内容应用效果,而 backdrop-filter 属性是对元素的背景应用效果。 You can configure shortcuts for common @supports rules you’re using in you...
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px); /* Required for Safari */ backdrop-filter: blur(10px); } Note:It’s preferred to declare prefixed propertiesbeforethe unprefixed variant so they serve as a fallback for browsers that don’t (yet) support them or their implementation is different. A ...
Twenty features were unprefixed (fully implemented across the major browsers) and three prefixed features were introduced (backdrop-filter, CSStext-orientation, and CSSinitial-letter). In my opinion, the most notable features that are unprefixed now, which were significant pain points are: ...
Always generate -webkit-backdrop-filter for backdrop-* utilities (#13997)3.4.4 - 2024-06-05FixedMake it possible to use multiple <alpha-value> placeholders in a single color definition (#13740) Don't prefix classes in arbitrary values of has-*, group-has-*, and peer-has-* variants ...
shadow in filter: 'drop-shadow(…)') (#15566) Upgrade (experimental): Migrate theme(spacing.2) to --spacing(2) (#15579) Upgrade (experimental): Migrate theme(…) to --theme(…) (#15579) Changed Remove --container-prose in favor of a deprecated --max-width-prose theme variable so ...
JIT: Remove need for filter and backdrop-filter classes when using classes like contrast-*, backdrop-blur-*, etc. (#4614) Support passing a custom path for your PostCSS configuration in the Tailwind CLI (#4607) Add blur-none by default with intent to deprecate blur-0 (#4614) Fixed J...
in other browsers, but none of which affect the color filters discussed here.) For applying SVG filters to non-SVG content, Firefox and the latest versions of Chrome and Opera support it in the unprefixedfilterproperty. Safari and older Blink support it in the prefixed-webkit-filterproperty. ...
{{CSSxRef("-webkit-backdrop-filter")}} {{CSSxRef("-webkit-background-composite")}} {{CSSxRef("border-block-end","-webkit-border-after")}}** {{CSSxRef("border-block-end-color","-webkit-border-after-color")}}** {{CSSxRef("border-block-end-style","-webkit-border-after-style")...