Context 同步 API 功能是残缺的,这是因为tailwindcss和postcss-import是异步的postcss插件,没法同步调用. Tailwindcss Plugin constpath=require('node:path')/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */module.exports={// ...plugins:[//Don't forget to use `...` to expand all plugins...require('...
// should be used with `tailwindcssConfig` tailwindcssResolved: false, // pass options to babel generator generatorOptions: {}, // default throw all css outside @layer // 'base' | 'components' | 'utilities' outSideLayerCss: 'components', // generate tailwindcss plugin with `plugin` api...
I'm a huge fan of Tailwind CSS. When creating designs where I knew I'll use Tailwind CSS for development, it became frustrating when I had to manually create the styles and copy colors from Tailwind CSS site. Even more frustrating was when I had to manually create those styles time and ...
Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. Get started with a free account → Tags color color palette color styles color system generator tailwind tailwindcss Share For Figma Unknown network access Last updated 1 year ago Support: Licensed under...
在tailwind.config.js中引入,并添加配置: const{createPlugin}=require('tailwind-css-variables-theme-generator')/**@type{import('tailwindcss').Config} */module.exports={// ...plugins:[createPlugin({// 推荐使用绝对路径,相对路径基于 process.cwd ,一旦 cwd 路径不对插件容易报错entryPoint:'path/to/...
Tailwindcss Config GeneratorCreation and customization of the Tailwind config file (tailwind.config.js), which allows the fine-tuning of your project's design system including colors, typography, spacing, and more, based on your specific requirements.Features...
tailwind-css-variables-theme-generator 一种基于tailwindcss的just-in-time模式的动态多主题色快速生成,和管理方案。 特性 可作为tailwindcss插件运行,tailwindcssIDE 智能提示插件友好 全局的scss变量注入 (additionalData) 生成scss工具类,方案自由可完全由前端或者后端数据自定义 ...
Get Started 2.6M+ Community Members Join our community of developers and designers 8.6M+ Cumulative Downloads Based on Material Tailwind and Creative Tim Products 48,000+ Github Cumulative Stars On 100+ Open Source Repositories and Projects
Mix Tailwind CSS Colors and generate stunning text and background gradients or use our ready-made gradients to create remarkable designs.
Tailcards website is offering a free AI based UI generator that can generate Tailwind CSS components. On this website, you need to specify in plain text what you want, and then it will generate the same component for you. You can then copy the code of the generated Tailwind c...