CSS text-wrap-style: pretty property URL to the spec https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-4/#valdef-text-wrap-style-pretty URL to the spec's repository No response Issue Tracker URL No response Explainer URL No response TAG Design Review URL w3ctag/design-reviews#864 Mozilla standards-position...
/* 应用text-wrap属性 */.headline{text-wrap:balance;}/* For demonstration */max-inline-size:25ch; text-wrap属性的pretty值是针对防止孤行设计的。它的算法会评估文本块的最后四行,根据需要做出调整,确保最后一行至少有两个单词。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 /* 应用text-wrap属性...
Initial-letter Text-wrap: balance / pretty CSS Color level 4 Color-mix function Relative color syntax Size container queries Style container queries :has selector :user-valid 和 :user-invalid 今年所有浏览器均稳定支持 :
text-nowrap text-wrap: nowrap; text-balance text-wrap: balance; text-pretty text-wrap: pretty; Examples Allowing text to wrap Use thetext-wraputility to wrap overflowing text onto multiple lines at logical points in the text: Beloved Manhattan soup stand closes ...
text-wrap 属性用于指定元素中的文本是否应换行。它是 CSS 文本模块第 4 级规范的一部分。 该属性可以接受多个值,但最有趣的值是 balance 和 pretty 。 如果将 text-wrap 属性设置为 balance ,浏览器将尝试以元素的最后一行与第一行一样长的方式对文本进行换行。如果希望元素中的文本具有一致的外观,这将非常有...
"Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.
Tailwind CSS - Background Image Tailwind CSS - Gradient Color Stops Tailwind CSS Text WrapApplying Text PrettyThis text prevents orphans at the end of paragraphs, ensuring no single word is left on its own line. Print Page Previous Next Advertisements...
wrapping, so it seems like a win that some of these values cause wrapping/…values like balance or pretty are useless without wrapping, so it seems like a win if setting text-wrap to one of these values would also enable wrapping (if you have no provided a separate wrap/no-wrap keyword...
p {text-wrap: pretty;max-inline-size:35ch;} 1. 2. 3. 4. 使用text-wrap 是一个很好的渐进增强。虽然但是,任何调整都不会更改元素的计算宽度,因此某些布局中的副作用可能是文本旁边多余空间增加。 scrollbar-gutter 在某些情况下,滚动条的出现或消失可能会导致不必要的布局变化。举个栗子,当显示对话框覆盖...
Quick tutorial post today. To wrap longURLs, strings of text, and other content, just apply this carefully crafted chunk ofCSScode to anyblock-levelelement (e.g., perfect fortags): pre {white-space: pre;/* CSS 2.0 */white-space: pre-wrap;/* CSS 2.1 */white-space: pre-line;/*...