text-transform: capitalize是不正确的,因为该选项将每个单词大写。 如果你只希望每个元素的第一个字母都是大写的,那么这是一种粗略的方法来实现它,但它绝对不会接近实际的句子上限: p { text-transform: lowercase; } p:first-letter { text-transform: uppercase; } THIS IS AN EXAMPLE SENTENCE. THIS IS...
其他建议text-transform: capitalize的答案不正确,因为该选项将每个单词大写。 如果您只希望每个元素的第一个字母大写,那么这是一种粗略的方法来实现它,但它绝对离实际的句子大写还差得很远: p{text-transform: lowercase; }p::first-letter{text-transform: uppercase; } THIS IS AN EXAMPLE SENTENCE.THIS IS AN...
HTMLhellotoday is fine test-transform示例 九、最后 参考学习W3School,如有错误或不足请留言指出,十分感谢! 来源:http://www.icode9.com/content-4-136201.html 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请。
In this example the lowercase text-transform is applied to the sentence. Then the ::first-letter selector is used to apply custom styling to the paragraph's first letter. Specifically the first letter is upper case, larger and has a different font family applied. p{text-transform:lowercase;l...
1.文本与字符的概念比较模糊,会导致应用CSS属性(letter-spacing,text-indent,word-spacing)时混乱 文本(Text),是书面语言的表现形式;计算机的一种文档类型。从文学的角度说,通常是具有完整、系统含义(Message)的一个句子或多个句子的组合。一个文本可以是一个句子(Sentence)、一个段落(Paragraph)或者一个篇章(Discour...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 text-align文本水平对齐方式 10 This is a test sentence. 汉字 之间 无 空格 会 当作 一个 单词。 11 abcdqwert yuiopasdfg h...
In the example below, we have used the "capitalize" value for the first sentence and the "lowercase" value for the second sentence: Example of the text-transform property with the "capitalize" and “lowercase” values: <!DOCTYPE html> .a { text-transform: capitalize } .b { text...
It would appear that there is some real disagreement about text-transform and a gap of understanding between spec authors and implementation realities that I was not previously aware of (the gap, not the implementation). Had I been payin...
IT IS AN EXAMPLE TEXT IN HREF Solution 4: I revised their response by capitalizing the initial letter of every first word in the first sentence. span, a, h2 { text-transform: lowercase; } span:first-line, a:first-line, h2:first-line { ...
text-transform: uppercase; text-transform: lowercase; text-transform: capitalize; The last one capitalizes the first letter of every sentence. 3. Easy CSS to Change Link Colors Style changes aren't limited to paragraphs. There are four different colors a link can be assigned: its standard col...