spacing { letter-spacing: -1px; } This is a normal spaced text. This is a text with increased character spacing. This is a text with decreased character spacing. 参考链接 MDN Web Docs - letter-spacing 常见问题及解决方法 字符间隔过大或过小: 原因:可能是由于letter-spacing属性设置不当...
#1517indicates a) existing behavior is not interoperable and b) no browsers doinline-end. Would you be ok with likeautofor compat, or do we want to align the behavior first in[css-text] letter-spacing and word-spacing applied to which side?#1517?
Problem There is often a need to set the letter spacing of an element to a fraction of its font size to reproduce a given design, and have it propagate down as it should (like most text-related properties, letter-spacing is inherited). T...
所有border相关属性:缩写的border、border-style、border-color、border-width和普通书写的属性 color属性 text-decoration、text-transform、letter-spacing、word-spacing(合适情境下)、line-height、float和vertical-align(只有当float为none的时候)等属性应用电商...
Letter Spacing To adjust the spacing between individual letters, you can use the letter-spacing property. This property sets the amount of space between each character in a text block. CSS: CodePen: Output: Word Spacing To adjust the spacing between words, you can use the word-spacing propert...
letter-spacing1同上。yesnormal行高。设置 行高/行间距 (一行多高,影响 行之间的 距离) 。line-height1同上。yesnormal⑤ 标点字符 修剪。punctuation-trim3都不支持。yesnone⑥ 文本 水平对齐 方式。text-align1都支持。IE 所有版本yes如果 direction 属性是 ltr,则默认值是 left;如果 direction 是 rtl,则为 ...
letter-spacing:字间距/字母间距 word-spacing:单词间距,有空格就设置,中文看空格. line-height:行高(第二行的行高=第一行底部到第三行顶部) text-indent:一般30px就2个 text-decoration:文本装饰 underline:下划线 overline:上划线 line-through:删除线 ...
text-align-last=auto|start|end|left|right|center|justify|match-parent 取值: auto:每一行的对齐规则由text-align的值来确定,当text-align的值是justify,text-align-last的表现和设置了start的表现是一样的,即如果文本的展示方向是从左到右,则最后一行左侧对齐与内容盒子。
word-spacingIncreases or decreases the space between words in a text word-wrapAllows long, unbreakable words to be broken and wrap to the next line writing-modeSpecifies whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically z-indexSets the stack order of a positioned element ...
CSS word-spacing, letter-spacing, etc. Hello! I just wanted to express how odd it is to me that CSS has options for actual metric units for attributes such as word-spacing and text-spacing. I mean, if you ever need to print your website on paper, I guess that would make sense, bu...