col { display: table-column } colgroup { display: table-column-group } td, th { display: table-cell } caption { display: table-caption } 显而易见HTML Table使用标签<table>、<tr>、<td>等标签,就是使用CSS Table的相关属性来实现的。从上面HTML4的默认样式表中可以看出他们的使用对于CSS属性的情...
background-color: #E6ECF0; } </style></head><body> <div id="scrollDiv" style="width:100%; overflow: auto; cursor: default; display: inline; position: absolute; height: 200px;"> <table id='accountTable' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='table-layout: auto' bordercolor='light...
col { display: table-column } colgroup { display: table-column-group } td, th { display: table-cell } caption { display: table-caption } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 显而易见HTML Table使用标签<table>、<tr>、<td>等标签,就是使用CSS Table的相关属性来实现的。从上面HTML4的默认...
.tableTransparent /deep/ .el-table, .el-table__expanded-cell { background-color: transparent; } .tableTransparent /deep/ .el-table tr { background-col el-table el-table加背景色 <template> <div id="app"> <el-table :data="tableData" border :header-cell-style="{ background: '#fafa...
table{border-collapse:collapse;border:solid black 1px;width:250px;height:150px;}td{border:solid 1px black;}#r1{background-color:lightblue;}#c12{background-color:cyan;}#r2{background-color:grey;}#r3{background-color:olive;} Result Specifications ...
table { border-collapse: collapse; border: solid black 1px; width: 250px; height: 150px; } td { border: solid 1px black; } #r1 { background-color: lightblue; } #c12 { background-color: cyan; } #r2 { background-color: grey; } #r3 { background-color: olive; } Result playSpe...
Here's the result:CSS Background ColorHere's a quick refresher, just in case: The CSS background-color property allows you to change the background color of an HTML element. You can set the background color for many elements, including a table, div, heading, and span element....
网格间距是网格轨道之间的间距,可以通过grid-column-gap,grid-row-gap在Grid布局中创建。 使用Grid 布局 和flex 类似,要使用网格布局,首先要有一个容器,将一个元素的display设置为grid就可以得到一个 grid 容器。容器的子项就是网格项(grid items),它有点类似table中的td,但是更加灵活。
.trclick{background:#fc0;} </style> </head> <body> <table id="myTabData" class="tb_data_tab" style="margin:50px auto;" width="800"> <tr> <th>序号</th> <th>支付银行</th> <th>支付银行</th> <th>支付银行</th> <th>支付银行</th> <th>支付银行</th> <th>...