3.css用#号表示id属性,如:#kw 4.css用.表示class属性,如:.s_ipt 5.css直接用标签名称,无任何标示符,如:input 2.2 css:其它属性 1.css除了可以通过标签、class、id这三个常规属性定位外,也可以通过其它属性定位 2.以下是定位其它属性的格式 2.3 css:标签与属性组合 1.css页可以通过标签与属性的组合来定...
通过class属性定位:findElement(By.cssSelector(".ghi")); 通过id属性定位:findElement(By.cssSelector("#abc")); 通过标签名定位:findElement(By.cssSelector("input")); 通过父子关系定位: findElement(By.cssSelector("span > input")); 通过属性定位:findElement(By.cssSelector("input[maxlength='...
Class prefix .col-xs- .col-sm- .col-md- .col-lg- # of columns 12 Column width Auto ~62px ~81px ~97px Gutter width 30px (15px on each side of a column) Nestable Yes Offsets Yes Column ordering Yes Example: Stacked-to-horizontal Using a single set of .col-md-* grid classes,...
01-testimonial.yaml weight:1name:"John Doe"position:"CEO, Takimata"resImg:"testimonials/pixabay.com/person-1.jpg"text:|Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorpersuscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autemvel eum iriure dolor in hendreri...
class选择器查找元素1-1 现在改一下class值,输入完整的class:span[class=‘icon-shopping-cart js-endcart’],查找出来唯一的元素 class选择器查找元素1-2 2)购物车元素的class有两个,我们先写icon-shopping-cart,使用.代替class,使用简写:.icon-shopping-cart,可以看到查找出三个元素,此时查找的元素是不唯一的...
<buttondata-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBarCommand"data-win-options="{ id:'addFriend', label:'Add Friend', icon:'addfriend', section:'global', tooltip:'Add a friend'}"type="button"> You can make the AppBar look vastly different from the simple default stripe across the bottom...
3、属性法:[@属性='属性值'],例如://*[@id="kw"];//input[@name='password'] 4、函数法 1)starts-with(@属性名,'属性开头的值'):定位属性以xxx开头的元素,处理属性值变化的元素,例如://*[starts-with(@id,'username')] 2)contains(@属性名,'属性包含的值'):匹配属性包含的值,例如://*[conta...
XPath://div[@class="{{@sample_var}}"] Select anAction. See the following section on supported actions for more details. Supported actions in the Find Elements menu When you finish configuring the step, clickOKto save the step and play it back in the Trainer. ...
A custom property is any property whose name starts with two dashes--. A property must be in a rule. Note::rootis nothing more than the selector for the root DOM node. Any other selector like.class,#id, or even#foo ~ .bar > span.bazworks. ...
UnoCSS also supports the theming system that you might be familiar with in Tailwind / Windi. At the user level, you can specify the theme property in your config and it will be deep merged to the default theme.theme: { // ... colors: { 'veryCool': '#0000ff', // class="text-...