Spacing between all letters Spacing between any two letters Spacing between words Spacing between lines Introduction In the previous CSS Text — Font Styling chapter, we saw how to style text in CSS by altering its weight, casing, and size. Now in this chapter, we shall see how to control ...
CSS letter spacing is a property in web design that adjusts the space between characters in text. Using theletter-spacingproperty, designers can modify the default font spacing to improve readability and aesthetics. It offers precise control over typography, enabling designers to achieve both compact...
CSS text spacing properties are used to specify the amount of space between characters, words, and lines of text in the block of content. For example, p{line-height:2; } Browser Output Here,line-height: 2sets the line height (space between two lines) twice the font size. properties Diff...
I know you can adjust the spacing between lines of text with the ‘line-height’ property, but how do you adjust the spacing between different paragraphs? Do you use the margin-top and/or -bottom property? For example, if I have body{ font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-al...
Text Padding CSS Think about how difficult it is to read large blocks of text without enough spacing. It can be so overwhelming it can even lead someone to abandon your website altogether. Text padding adds space between lines of text, contributing to a positive reading experience. Done well...
The foundation of underlining text in CSS lies in the text-decoration property. This versatile property lets you control not only underlining but also overlines, line-throughs, and combinations thereof. Let’s focus on the core value that creates underlines: The ‘underline’ Value To add a ba...
Theline-heightproperty is used to specify the space between lines: Example p.small{ line-height:0.8; } p.big{ line-height:1.8; } Try it Yourself » Word Spacing Theword-spacingproperty is used to specify the space between the words in a text. ...
Bear in mind that according to the specification, thebreak-strictvalue for theword-breakproperty is at risk of being dropped. Word And Letter Spacing Two other properties that are often used areword-spacingandletter-spacing. You can use them to control—you guessed it—the spacing between words...
Adding custom CSS helps customize the design and appearance of your site, which isn’t possible through the default options. It gives you more control, and you can easily customize your WordPress theme with a few lines of code. For example, let’s say you want tochange the background color...
border-right-colorSets the color of the right border border-right-styleSets the style of the right border border-right-widthSets the width of the right border border-spacingSets the distance between the borders of adjacent cells border-start-end-radiusSets the radius of the corner between the ...