Your problem seems to be a missing space between your two classes in the CSS: .area1.item { color:red; } Should be .area1 .item { color:red; } Share Follow answered Feb 17, 2009 at 21:09 Parrots 26.9k1414 gold badges6060 silver badges7878 bronze badges Add a comment 17 ...
justify-content: space-between. In your image with product 2, that additional space is being created bydisplay: flex, each element has been given 50% width to take up (because there's 2 child div elements), the text in.product-2-infoisn't taking full width so the rema...
Predefined grid classes like .row and .col-xs-4 are available for quickly making grid layouts. Less mixins can also be used for more semantic layouts. Columns create gutters (gaps between column content) via padding. That padding is offset in rows for the first and last column via negative...
css.format.newlineBetweenSelectors- Separate selectors with a new line. css.format.spaceAroundSelectorSeparator- Ensure a space character around selector separators '>', '+', '~' (for example,a > b). The same settings also exist forlessandscss. ...
Pseudo-classes are identified by a colon followed by the class. They will appear after a CSS selector with no space in between. Common pseudo-classes for link styling are: :linktargets a link that the user hasn't visited. :visitedtargets a link that's been visited by the user before. ...
可以通过theme.spacing来定制大小,注意间距值将自动由padding、margin、width、height、maxHeight、gap、inset、space和translate核心插件继承。 module.exports={theme:{spacing:{4:'4px',8:'8px',},...},...} 配置将自动生成mb-4、pb-4等原子功能类。
.new-entry::after { content: " New!"; /* The leading space creates separation between the DOM node's content and the generated content being added. */ color: red; } Result playQuotes This example inserts differently colored quotation marks around quotes. HTML htmlCopy to Clipboardplay Ac...
你可以如下操作 CSS style: (source from CSS Houdini- the bridge between CSS, JavaScript and the browser) // CSS -> JSconst map = document.querySelector('.example').styleMap;console.log( map.get('font-size') );// CSSSimpleLength {value: 12, type: 'px', cssText: '12px'}// JS ...
The reason you get the spaces is because, well, you have spaces between the elements (a line break and a few tabs counts as a space, just to be clear). Minimized HTML will solve this problem, or one of these tricks: onetwothree or onetwothree or with comments… one<!-- --...