.slide-in{animation:slide-in1000ms;} 上面的代码定了在1000ms内,将translateX属性进行改变,并且立即执行。 可以在同一个动画声明中定义多个属性的变化,如下: .drop-in{animation:drop-in1000ms;}@keyframesdrop-in{from{transform:rotate(-30deg)translateY(-100%);opacity:0;}to{transform:rotate(0deg)trans...
滑动 (1)slideUp() 和 slideDown() 在 jQuery 中,可以使用 slideUp() 和 slideDown() 方法来向上滑动、向下滑动元素。...语法 $(selector).animate({params},speed,callback); 必需的 params 参数定义形成动画的 CSS 属性。...默认是 false,即仅停止活动的动画,允许任何排入队列的动画向后执行。可选的 ...
@-o-keyframes slidein {from {margin-left:100%;width:300%}50% {font-size: 300%;margin-left: 25%;width: 150%;}to {margin-left:0%;width:100%;}@-ms-keyframes slidein {from {margin-left:100%;width:300%}50% {font-size: 300%;margin-left: 25%;width: 150%;}to {margin-left:0%...
定义关键帧规则后,要通过定义 animation-name 来使用。关键帧序列是由百分比来标识命名的,起始状态和结束状态分别为 from 和 to 代表 0% 和 100% 。 /* 声明 */@keyframesslidein{from{margin-left:100%;width:300%;}to{margin-left:0%;width:100%;}}@keyframesslideout{0%{top:0;}50%{top:30px;}10...
Example Slide in (left): Hello World Try it Yourself » Example Slide in (right): Hello World Try it Yourself » Flip an ImageMove your mouse over the image:Example img:hover { transform: scaleX(-1);} Try it Yourself » Responsive...
/*//曲线*/12animation-iteration-count:infinite;/*//次数*/13animation-direction:alternate;/*//运行方式*/14animation-delay:3s;/*延时*/15}1617@keyframes slidein{18from {19margin-left:100%;20width:300%;21}2223to{24margin-left:0%;25width:100%;26}27}282930小飞机来喽!3132 webkit-transform...
Generate beautiful image sliders completely in CSS. No jQuery, no JavaScript, no picture icons, no hand scripting! It's truly fast, lightweight, adaptive, and retina-ready. Runs on each todays devices and browsers. KenBurns, Slide, Fade, Zoom transitions and some templates are accessible. Do...
Watch me moveThis example shows how to use CSS animations to makeh1elements move across the page.In addition, we output some text each time an animation event fires, so you can see them in action.<ulid="output"> 参见 AnimationEvent CSS 动画的技巧 使用CSS 过渡...
Visitors can slide to the left or right to see the next image or video.Design visually attractive and high-performing websites without writing a line of code WoW your clients by creating innovative and response-boosting websitesfast with no coding experience. Slider Revolution makes it possible ...