Just like JPG or PNG images, SVG icons can be set as background images. First, create an SVG file (e.g., icon.svg) and use it with the CSS background-image property:.element { background-image: url('../icon.svg'); }You can then use the other background properties (e.g., ...
在CSS中,你可以使用background属性来设置元素的背景。这个属性可以包含多个子属性,如background-image、background-color、background-repeat等。 3. 掌握如何在CSS中使用SVG作为背景图像 要在CSS中使用SVG作为背景图像,你可以将SVG代码直接嵌入到CSS文件中,或者将SVG保存为外部文件并在CSS中引用它。以下是两种方法的示...
image-set() 113 more Toggle history 113 more Toggle history 89 more Toggle history 99 more Toggle history 17 more Toggle history 113 more Toggle history 89 more Toggle history 76 more Toggle history 17 more Toggle history 23.0 more Toggle history ...
Background-color:Example values: red; #F00; rgb(0,255,165);SVGs are a transparent image format and if the SVG elements do not cover the entire viewBox, the background color will be visible behind your SVG. Background-origin:Example values: border-box; padding-box; content-box;The orig...
image-set() 113 more Toggle history 113 more Toggle history 89 more Toggle history 99 more Toggle history 17 more Toggle history 113 more Toggle history 89 more Toggle history 76 more Toggle history 17 more Toggle history 23.0 more Toggle history ...
CSS .background-image { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; background-image: url('assets/icons/google.svg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover; }
SVG images can be used asbackground-imagein CSS as well, just like PNG, JPG, or GIF. .element{background-image:url(/images/image.svg);} All the same awesomeness of SVG comes along for the ride, like flexibility while retaining sharpness. Plus you can do anything a raster graphic can ...
(@/assets/login-bg.svg) no-repeat center;24background-size: cover;25//使用element-ui,组件名,就是类名26.el-card {27width: 420px;28position: absolute;29left: 50%;30top: 50%;31transform: translate(-50%, -50%);3233//想要修改具名插槽的样式, 直接通过.el-card__header类名修改,不好使...
Text fallback. If the SVG is an icon whose meaning could be expressed by a text label, maybe all you need is to ensure that alt text shows up in its place. Image fallback. This is what most people think of as an SVG fallback: a PNG or GIF image that represents the same graphic...
在Internet Explorer 8-10 中,设置为 .img-responsive 的SVG 图像显示出的尺寸不匀称。为了解决这个问题,在出问题的地方添加 width: 100% \9; 即可。Bootstrap 并没有自动为所有图像元素设置这一属性,因为这会导致其他图像格式出现错乱。 Copy 图片形状 通过为 元素添加以下相应的类,可以让图片呈现不同的形状...