font-weight属性执行字体中字形的重量,这取决于黑度等级或笔划粗细。 取值范围:100 至 900,其大致符合下列通用重量名称: 100 - Thin200 - Extra Light (Ultra Light)300 - Light400 - Regular (Normal、Book、Roman)500 - Medium600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold)700 - Bold800 - Extra Bold (Ultra Bold)900 ...
名称: font-weight 取值: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 初始: normal 100 - Thin 200 - Extra Light (Ultra Light) 300 - Light 400 - Regular (Normal、Book、Roman) 500 - Medium 600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold) 700 - Bold...
600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold) 700 - Bold 800 - Extra Bold (Ultra Bold) 900 - Black (Heavy) 上面的对应关系是这样,那我们可不可以直接用数值代替UIFontWeight类型呢,答案是不行的,让我们看看各个UIFontWeight的值是什么就清楚了。 UIFontWeight CGFloat UIFontWeightUltraLight -0.8 UIFontWeightThin -0....
600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold) 700 - Bold 800 - Extra Bold (Ultra Bold) 900 - Black (Heavy) normal、regular与'400'相同。 bold与'700'相同。 bolder指定外观的重量大于继承的值。 lighter 指定外观的重量小于继承的值。
600sets the text as semi bold 700sets the text as bold 800sets the text as extra bold 900sets the text as ultra bold initialsets the text to the default value inheritinherits the value from its parent element Example of font-weight ...
bold Same as 700. bolder Specifies a bolder weight than the inherited value. lighter Specifies a lighter weight than the inherited value. 100 Thin. 200 Extra Light (Ultra Light). 300 Light. 400 Normal. 500 Medium. 600 Semi Bold (Demi Bold). 700 Bold. 800 Extra Bold (Ultra Bold). 900...
每次看见蓝湖上设计的font-family、font-weight都不是前端需要的描述方式,于是每次都要现查,所以记录在这里 【设计值与font weight对应值】 100 - Thin 200 - Extra Light (Ultra Light) 300 - Light 400 - Regular (Normal、Book、Roman) 500 - Medium 600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold) 700 - Bold 800 - ...
我正在做 Photoshop 到XHTML 的转换,网站设计者使用了 Myriad Pro Semi-bold 字体,它在 photoshop 文件中看起来不错,但是当我在 CSS 中尝试使用半粗体选项时,它看起来很像正常的粗体字体,这对我的目的来说太粗了。有没有办法在 HTML 和 CSS 中实现更好看的半粗体字体,或者我只是坚持使用 'font-weight: 600...
font-weight: 100; 1. 2. TIP:Link标签的rel属性的全称是relationship,表示引用内容与当前HTML的关系。 Regular、Normal、Medium、Light 对应的font-weight值 字体粗细:‘font-weight’属性 名称: font-weight 取值: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 80...
The font-weight CSS property sets the weight (or boldness) of the font. The weights available depend on the font-family that is currently set.