animate-[property]:property 取值如下: none:animation: none; spin:旋转 animate: spin 1s linear infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } ping:扩散 animation: ping 1s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) infinite; @keyframes ping { 75...
当心! 如果你想删除某个渐变,确保将你所添加的针对 IE 的 filter 一并删除。你可以通过使用 .reset-filter() mixin 和 background-image: none; 达到目的。实用工具 mixin实用工具 mixin 用于与不相关的 CSS 结合以达到特定目的或任务。Clearfix -- 清除浮动建议为需要清除浮动的元素使用 .clearfix() mixin ,...
background-image顾名思义是设置背景“图片”的,这里的图片并非我们通常意义上理解的“图片”,而是由CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module所规定的一系列内容,用以替代CSS2中所规定的background-image属性与list-style-image属性中的url参数,或者作为伪元素content的值。现在浏览器也没有完全实现这些,可用的包...
In the preceding code, you defined two new variables, bg and fontColor, which specify a background and font color. These variables use the var keyword to set their property values to the variables previously specified in your :root selector. Next, in your CSS file, replace the current body...
publicclassProductController:Controller{/// GET: /Product/privatereadonly ApplicationDbContext _context;publicProductController(ApplicationDbContext context){this._context=context;}publicActionResultIndex(){varproducts=_context.Products.Project().To<ProductViewModel>().ToArray();returnView(products);}} 上述...
none No text-decoration is applied to the text div { background-image: none; } inherit Element will inherit the background-image from its parent element div { background-image: inherit; }Note When setting the CSS background-image property, you should also set the CSS background-color prope...
background-color:lightblue; } p{ background-color:yellow; } Try it Yourself » Opacity / Transparency Theopacityproperty specifies the opacity/transparency of an element. It can take a value from 0.0 - 1.0. The lower value, the more transparent: ...
div.too_late { color: White; background-image: url(../Content/images/uit_white.png), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #feb233 0%, #f39801 100%); -webkit-transition-property: background-image, color; -webkit-transition-duration: 5s; } div.on_time { color: #222; background-image: url...
property sets the background image for an item. If the background color is set for an element at the same time, it will be shown until the background image is fully loaded. The same will happen if the images are not available or their display in the browser is disabled. If there are...
Thedrop-shadow()function adds a drop shadow around an image, following the shape of the entire element’s content. This means it can include any transparent areas. It differs from thebox-shadowproperty, which applies shadows to the rectangle of the image’s box: ...