CSS background-image property is used to add a background image on an element or the webpage. CSS background-image property is used to add a background image on an element or the webpage. For example, body { background-image: url("girl-avatar.png"); } B
CSS background-image Thebackground-imageproperty specifies an image to use as the background of an element. By default, the image is repeated so it covers the entire element. Example Set the background image for a page: body{ background-image:url("paper.gif");...
嗯,因为 CSS @property 的存在,让以前需要非常多 CSS 代码的工作,一下子变得简单了起来。我们尝试利用CSS @property配合 background,简单的实现一个屏保动画。我们利用background可以简单的得到这样一个图形,代码如下: html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; } body { background-image: radial-gradient( c...
The background-repeat property dictates how a background image is tiled or repeated within its container element. Here are the possible values: repeat: The image repeats both horizontally and vertically (default behavior). repeat-x: The image repeats only horizontally. repeat-y: The image repeats...
根据MDN -- CSS Property[1],@property CSS at-rule 是 CSS Houdini API 的一部分, 它允许开发者显式地定义他们的 CSS 自定义属性,允许进行属性类型检查、设定默认值以及定义该自定义属性是否可以被继承。 CSS Houdini又是什么呢,CSS Houdini开放 CSS 的底层 API 给开发者,...
CSS Properties exercises, practice and solution: How to set a background-image for the body element.
CSS语言的属性(Property)和值(Value) CSS语言的属性(Property)和值(Value)是构成样式声明的基础。属性定义了您想要样式化的特性,而值则指定了该属性的设置。每个CSS声明都包含一个属性和一个对应的值,它们一起定义了元素的样式。 以下是一些常见的CSS属性及其可能的值: 1. **颜色(Color)**: - `color`: ...
The background-image CSS property sets one or more background images on an element. Try itThe background images are drawn on stacking context layers on top of each other. The first layer specified is drawn as if it is closest to the user.The borders of the element are then drawn on to...
From CSS2 Revision 1, the property has been extended to support multiple backgrounds and any <image> CSS data type. CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)The definition of 'background-image' in that specification. Recommendation From CSS1, the way images with and without intrinsic dimensions are handled is...
background-color: transparent; } 结果 规范 Specification Status Comment CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3The definition of 'background-image' in that specification. Candidate Recommendation From CSS2 Revision 1, the property has been extended to support multiple backgrounds and any <image...