YouTube – How to use CSS :has and :not - Future CSS! CSS Parent Selector 顾名思义就是拥有的意思 p:has(.child) // p 有子孙 .child p:has(> .child) // p 有孩子 .child p:has(+ .child) // p 的 next 是 .child 配合:not(:has(.child)) 表示没有的意思. 支持度挺好的 @cont...
The :has selector is not only about the parentIt’s not only about checking if a parent contains a child, but we can also check if an element is followed by a <p>, for example. Consider the following:.card h2:has(+ p) { } ...
Like in the subheadings example above, you aren’t necessarily ultimately selecting the parent, you might select the parent in a has-condition,but then ultimately select a child element from there. /* Matches <figure> elements that have a <figcaption> as a child element */figure:has(figcaptio...
Every CSS property includes the value "inherit" as a possible option. This tells the web browser, that even if the property would not normally be inherited, it should have the same value as the parent. If you set a style such as a margin that is not inherited, you can use the inherit...
When I wrote the Nesting spec originally, I specifically defined it so that & was an ordinary selector, that happened to match the elements matched by the parent rule. This leveraged the powers that only a live browser could have, which ...
To utilize the:first-child selector, follow this syntax: parentElement:first-child { /* Styles to be applied to the first child element */ } This may look a little confusing at first but let's take a closer look at some practical examples of the actual usage for this CSS selector. ...
This CSS tutorial explains how to use the CSS selector called :nth-child with syntax and examples. The CSS :nth-child selector allows you to target an element that is the nth child element within its parent.
This CSS tutorial explains how to use the CSS selector called :only-child with syntax and examples. The CSS :only-child selector allows you to target an element that is the only child element within its parent.
.parent > .child { color: red; } .parent .child { color: blue; } 以往只能在CSS处理器中使用这样的特性,但将来在CSS中也可以使用这方面的特性,因为现在CSS中新增了一个嵌套模块,即 CSS Nesting Module。 有点类似于CSS自定义属性(变量)特性一样,最早也是出现在CSS处理器中,...
CSS Parent Selector :has All In One WD 阶段,生成环境暂不可用 💩❌👎⚠️ CSS Selectors Level 4:has pseudo-class / 伪类 /* For example, the following selector matches only <a> elements that contain an <img> child: */ ...