extends: ['stylelint-config-standard'], rules: {//指定声明块内属性的字母顺序'order/properties-order': ['position','top','right','bottom','left','z-index','display','float','width','height','max-width','max-height','min-width','min-height','padding','padding-top','padding-right...
CSS padding is a property you use to create space around an element and within its border. Because padding is the innermost part of the CSS box model that impacts the element's spacing, it's invaluable. In addition to padding, the CSS box model includes...
padding: 20px;2 valuesUsing 2 values applies the first to bottom & top, and the second to left & right.padding: 20px 10px;3 valuesUsing 3 values applies the first to top, the second to left & right, the third to bottom.padding: 20px 10px 30px;4 values...
Specifies a shorthand property for setting the top, right, bottom and left spaces between an element's border and its contents, in that order. The padding property is nearly equivalent to the margin property, both insert space around the element.
Four valuesapply to the top, right, bottom, left side in that order. Property Values The following table describes the values of this property. ValueDescription padding-topSets the padding to the top side of an element. padding-rightSets the padding to the right side of an element. ...
When using thepaddingshorthand property, you may also define the padding using two, three, or four values. As with margins, one value will apply on all four sides. Otherwise, the order the values are written will determine which sides each applies to: ...
The padding CSS shorthand property sets the padding area on all four sides of an element at once.
padding-right 设置元素的右内边距。 1 padding-top 设置元素的上内边距。 1 定位 元素 描述 版本 bottom 设置定位元素下外边距边界与其包含块下边界之间的偏移。 2 clear clear 指定一个元素是紧挨着上一个浮动元素,并必须移动到该元素的下方。 1 clip 剪裁绝对定位元素。 2 cursor 规定要显示的光标的类型(形...
To use the shorthand CSS padding property, you can use the mnemonic “TRouBLe” (or “TRiBbLe” for you Star Trek fans). This stands fortop,right,bottom, andleft, and it refers to the order of the padding widths you set in the shorthand property. For example: padding: top right bottom ...