It has the rounded border that serves as the outline. Note that I didn’t add the box-shadow to this style because in some situations I just want the rounded box in an inline display that doesn’t have a shadow so it’s still applied separately. dialog-header, then has the rounded ...
By default, some browsers will add a blue outline around the input when it gets focus (clicked on). You can remove this behavior by addingoutline: none;to the input. Use the:focusselector to do something with the input field when it gets focus: ...
outline-color: #444 !important;text-shadow: none !important;}html *:after,html *:before{color: #CCC !important;border-color: #666 !important;background: none transparent !important}/* Link */a:link,a:link *:not(IMG){ color: #B1CBF7 !important;background-color: transparent !important;...
This is similar to the CSS2 outline property which Mozilla does not currently support. -moz-outline-color Sets the color of the outline. -moz-outline-radius This property can be used to give outlines rounded corners. This should be set to a numeric value indicating the amount of rounding ...
Learn from over 300 examples! With our editor, you can edit the CSS, and click on a button to view the result. Go to CSS Examples! Use the Menu We recommend reading this tutorial, in the sequence listed in the menu. If you have a large screen, the menu will always be present on ...
We will start to remove the margin, padding, border and outline from all the elements of the menu. Then we will add a fixed width and height to the menu, rounded corners and the CSS3 gradients. To align the links horizontally we will float the lists to left. We also need to set the...
We remove the default outline styles on some form controls and apply a box-shadow in its place for :focus. Demo :focus state The above example input uses custom styles in our documentation to demonstrate the :focus state on a .form-control. Disabled state Add the disabled boolean attribute ...
For elements with rounded borders, match the outline radius to the border radius for a cohesive design. This ensures the outline complements the element’s shape seamlessly. Customize focus outlines with:focus-visible Use:focus-visibleto show rounded focus outlines only when necessary, such as durin...
An outline is a line drawn outside the element's border. This element has a black border and a green outline with a width of 10px. Try it Yourself » CSS Outline An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, OUTSIDE the borders, to make the element "stand out". ...
That’s not displaying well for me (On Chrome). The ‘Go’ is not centred and the text box has a square outline… Reply Rob May 12, 2010 at 7:33 am This actually doesn’t look half bad in IE 8, everything is just squared. Looks horrible in Chrome, and a little off in Safari...