Features presenter console with speaker notes, timer, screen blanking and more. The theme provides all basic requirements for slide contents (images, video, code snippets etc) and gives you many small helpers to style contents. markdowncss/modest - A markdown CSS module that is rather modest....
Some Formatting Notes Throughout this book, identifiers that appear in code—such as variable names, property names, and API functions and namespaces—are formatted with a color and a fixed-point font. Here's an example: Windows.Storage.Application...
Single Responsibility Principle in CSS, Harry Roberts Atomic Design, Brad Frost Resilient, Declarative, Contextual, Keith J. Grant SUITCSS,a naming convention Further Notes on the Scenius, Austin Kleon Version 1.*, June-October 2018 Slideshare slides from v1.0.0 at CSSConf EU are here! Changelo...
(PDF包含了大量幻灯片上没有的注释,所以请阅读PDF!)注意她对组织的建议。 四年后,我想说: Use a CSS pre-processor and manage your files as partials (I personally prefer Sass with Compass, but Less is quite good as well and there are others) Read up on concepts like OOCSS, SMACSS, and BEM...
we started out selling law notes but recently moved into law tutors. Our old CSS classes had names like ".download_document_box", a class name that makes sense when talking about digital documents but would only confuse when applied to the new domain of private tutors. A better name that ...
After that, your app essentially goes through a series of job interviews, if you will: background checks (malware scans and GeoTrust certification) and manual testing by a human being who will read the notes you provide (so be cou...