1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>类选择器</title> 6 <style type="text/css"> 7 .red{color: red;} 8 .green{color:green;} 9 .font22{font-size:22px;} 10 p{ text-decoration:underline; font- family:"微软雅黑"; } 11 </st...
GradientType=0);/*这一句代码是ie自带滤镜的渐变效果,渐变开始的颜色是#ffffff,结束的颜色是#ECE9D8,gradientType=0表示纵向淅变,如果把它改成1就是横向渐变~~*/filter:progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.gradient(enable=false);line-height:normal;padding:14px 24px;text-align:center;/*CSS3文字阴影...
(by=By.CLASS_NAME,value='s_ipt') # 可以按类名 input_1=bro.find_element(by=By.LINK_TEXT,value='登录') # 可以按a标签内容找 input_1=bro.find_element(by=By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT,value='录') # 可以按a标签内容找 input_1 = bro.find_element(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value='#su') # ...
.fr-trigger-texteditor-focus 获取焦点后的下拉控件边框、字样 下拉框、下拉复选框、下拉树、日期 .fr-combo-list-item 下拉项的边框、字样、背景色、高度 下拉框、下拉复选框 .fr-combo-selected 获得焦点的下拉项的边框、字样、背景色 下拉框 .fr-combo-list-item-noselect 下拉项中“不选“边框、字样、背...
selector() 83 Toggle history 83 Toggle history 69 Toggle history 69 Toggle history 14.1 Toggle history 83 Toggle history 79 Toggle history No footnote Toggle history 14.5 Toggle history 13.0 Toggle history 83 Toggle history 14.5 Toggle history ...
Nested rules, support any CSS selector/value Minimal work to migrate Work with DOM Frameworks CSS Rules CRUD Put class names into local spaceNo Conflict Use JS function as CSS value Conditional Apply CSS Server Rendering Usage-Wiki-API-Demo-React-Babel ...
$('.selector').infinitescroll({ loading: { finished: undefined, finishedMsg: "<em>Congratulations, you've reached the end of the internet.</em>", img: null, msg: null, msgText: "<em>Loading the next set of posts...</em>", selector: null, speed: 'fast', start: undefined },...
No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors. nice-waves Beautiful animated waves Vanta.js Animated website backgrounds in a few lines of code. Splitting.js Splitting creates elements and adds CSS variables to unlock amazing possibilities for animating text, grids, and more! ↥ Back To Top Javascript...
text-decoration:underline;好看一点哦。(真的?我去) 兼容性 IE6+ (In IE6, :hover must be applied to an anchor element) Firefox Chrome Safari Opera 20.X:not(selector) div:not(#container) { color: blue; } not伪类灰常有用。例如我要选择所有的div,除了有id为container的。上面那个代码片段就能...