this.document.querySelectorAll('div[id*="dayselector"][class*="x-autocontainer-innerCt"] a') 表示选取div里id属性包含dayselector,且Cl
CSS [attribute|="value"] Selector The[attribute|="value"]selector is used to select elements with the specified attribute, whose value can be exactly the specified value, or the specified value followed by a hyphen (-). Note:The value has to be a whole word, either alone, like class=...
| 只匹配连字符分割的属性,比如[lang|=en] 匹配 lang=en-aaa 和 lang=en-bbb
简单选择器(Simple selectors):通过元素类型、class 或 id 匹配一个或多个元素。 属性选择器(Attribute selectors):通过 属性 / 属性值 匹配一个或多个元素。 伪类(Pseudo-classes):匹配处于确定状态的一个或多个元素,比如被鼠标指针悬停的元素,或当前被选中或未选中的复选框,或元素是 DOM 树中一父节点的第一...
type selector: elementname class selector: .classname ID selector: #idName universal selector: * ns|* *|* attribute selector [attr=value] Combinators adjacent sibling selectors A+B General sibling selectors A~B Child selectors A>B
CSS [attribute~="value"] Selector The[attribute~="value"]selector is used to select elements with an attribute value containing a specified word. The following example selects all elements with a title attribute that contains a space-separated list of words, one of which is "flower": ...
Selector [attribute] 4.0 7.0 2.0 3.1 9.6Note: For [attribute] to work in IE8 and earlier, a <!DOCTYPE> must be declared.CSS Syntax[attribute] { css declarations;} Demo Related PagesCSS tutorial: CSS Attribute Selectors« Previous CSS Selectors Reference Next » ...
The CSS [attribute^=value] selector matches every element whose attribute value begins with the specified value.Version: CSS3Browser SupportThe numbers in the table specifies the first browser version that fully supports the selector.Selector [attribute^=value] 4.0 7.0 3.5 3.2 9.6...
.classname: 选择所有具有指定类名的元素。例如,.header 选择所有类名为 "header" 的元素。通过 ID 定位:#id: 选择具有指定 ID 的元素。例如,#username 选择 ID 为 "username" 的元素。通过属性定位:[attribute=value]: 选择具有指定属性和值的元素。例如,[type=text] 选择所有 type 属性为 "text" 的...
CSS selector: Attribute selector (`[attr=value]`): Case-sensitive modifier (`s`) Global usage 2.44% + 0% = 2.44% IE ❌ 6 - 10: Not supported ❌ 11: Not supported Edge ❌ 12 - 130: Not supported ❌ 131: Not supported Firefox ❌ 2 - 65: Not supported ✅ 66 - 132:...