all preclinical data would be reviewed and pharmacokinetic(PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) characteristics in human will be predicted based on these data.Css-MRT method is one of the frequently used methods to predict human PK profiles from animal PK profiles.Css-MRT method assumes that concentration...
$temp=$wp_query;$wp_query=null;$wp_query=newWP_Query();$wp_query->query('showposts=6&post_type=news'.'&paged='.$paged);while($wp_query->have_posts()):$wp_query->the_post();?><!--LOOP:Usual Post Template Stuff Here--><?php endwhile;?><?phpprevious_posts_link(' Newer')...
Css-MRT approachdisproportionate metabolitehumanized liverMIST guidanceoral administrationPK predictionA Css-MRTpo superposition method was devised to predict (retrospectively) oral plasma concentration鈥搕ime profiles of PF-04937319 and its MIST-related metabolite, M1, in humans using chimeric mice with ...
NBR: Non-basal roots; LRL: longest root length; MRT: Mean rooting time. To test whether this leaf system could also be used to study the loss of rooting ability associated with maturation, we compared the rooting ability of microshoots and leaves from the P2CR (Crown, mature) line. In...
I'm willing to bet you know WebPageTest. It is the premier tool in the toolbox of web performance people. Maybe you didn't know that WebPageTest was a side
The months method supports passing a format in so that the months will be listed in the proper context. moment.locale('nl'); moment.monthsShort(); // ['jan.', 'feb.', 'mrt.', ...] moment.monthsShort('-MMM-'); // [ 'jan', 'feb', 'mrt', ...] And finally, you can ...