为了更好地理解,下面是jfiddle中的HTML标记: 我想让名为#move_me的div在#content_wrapper中根据鼠标在#content_wrapper中的位置向右或向左移动。基本上我想要的是:如果我将光标从#content_wrapper分区中向右移动,则#move_me分区应向左移动以查看content2分区,当我向左移动时,#move_me分区应向右移动以查看content1...
This applies max-width: 100%;, height: auto; and display: block; to the image so that it scales nicely to the parent element. To center images which use the .img-responsive class, use .center-block instead of .text-center. See the helper classes section for more details about .center...
Flip an ImageMove your mouse over the image:Example img:hover { transform: scaleX(-1);} Try it Yourself » Responsive Image GalleryCSS can be used to create image galleries. This example use media queries to re-arrange the images on different screen sizes. Resize the browser window to...
默认值为auto,表示继承父元素的align-items属性,如果没有父元素,则等同于stretch。align-self: auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch;
display:flex;align-items:center;/* 侧轴对齐方式*/justify-content:center;/* 主轴对齐方式 */ 「4. text-indent」 text-indent属性用于设置首行文本的缩进 其属性值可为不同单位的数值、em字符宽度的倍数、或相对于浏览器窗口宽度的百分比%,允许使用负值。
If this argument is omitted, it defaults to center. Usually in conic gradients the sharp transition at 0deg is undesirable, which is typically avoided by making sure the first and last color stops are the same color. Perhaps it would be useful to have a keyword for automatically achieving ...
refactor!: move magicss animate to a new preset Nov 15, 2024 README Code of conduct MIT license unocss-preset-useful Integrate and useful preset. Features 🔥 All-in-One popular presets. 🚀 Collection of features not integrated into UnoCSS. ...
ve styled the AppBar itself by overwriting the .win-appbar class, you can move on to the individual commands. Because AppBar Buttons are WinJS controls, the data-win-options attribute contains all the necessary information to properly set up command Buttons by setting the label, icon, ...
We can see the effect oftransform-originmost clearlywith therotate()method. In the following example, we usetransform-originto move the center point of rotation: The origin can also be specified in pixel distance from the top left corner of the original element, like so: ...
] || [ center | [ top | bottom ] <size>? ] ] 0% 0% カンマで区切られた<bg-position>値の系列。 系列の各bg-positionアイテムは、background-image系列の対応するイメージに適用されます。-fx-background-repeat <repeat-style> [ , <repeat-style> ]* where <repeat-style> = repeat-...