yarn add css-minify or npm install css-minify Usage: CLI If you want to deal with a single css file,you can do it like this: css-minify -f filename or css-minify --file filename If no file / dir are specified, check if STDIN has data, and if so, run the minifier and print ...
npm install --save-dev minify-css-idents Webpack configuration This is the typical configuration that should be compatible all use cases. Just replace thecss-loaderwithminify-css-idents/css-loader, ie: module.exports={module:{rules:[{test:/\.css$/,use:["style-loader",{loader:"minify-css-...
npm install csso Usage import{minify}from'csso';// CommonJS is also supported// const { minify } = require('csso');constminifiedCss=minify('.test { color: #ff0000; }').css;console.log(minifiedCss);// .test{color:red} Bundles are also available for use in a browser: ...
Minification– One of the main purposes of Lightning CSS is to minify CSS to make it smaller. This includes many optimizations including: Combining longhand properties into shorthands where possible. Merging adjacent rules with the same selectors or declarations when it is safe to do so. ...
{"test":"echo \"power by beifffeng@gmail.com\" && exit 1","watch":"tailwindcss -i ./src/main.css -o ./src/style.css --watch","serve":"npx live-server src","dev":"concurrently npm:watch npm:serve","build":"tailwindcss -i ./src/main.css -o ./src/style.css --minify"}...
gulp-minify-css 1.2.4•Public• Published9 years ago Deprecation warning This package has been deprecated. Please usegulp-clean-cssinstead. LICENSE MIT © 2016 Readme Keywords none Install npm igulp-minify-css License MIT Last publish...
然后使用npm run server命令重新启动服务,渲染效果与上面一致。 部分源码: webpack.config.js: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 constpath=require('path');constuglify=require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');consthtmlPlugin=require('html-webpack-plugin');constextractTextPlugin=require("extra...
一、安装 gulp-minify-css 模块 提示:你需要使用命令行的 cd 切换到对应目录后进行安装操作。 在命令行输入 sudo npm install gulp-minify-css 安装成功后,命令行显示如下内容: E:\workSpace\bulingbuling>npminstallgulp-minify-css npm WARN deprecated gulp-minify-css@1.2.4: Please use gulp-clean-css ...
npm install -g sass 创建Sass文件 创建一个名为_custom.scss的Sass文件,用于存放自定义的Sass代码。 // _custom.scss $primary-color: #007bff; $secondary-color: #6c757d; // 自定义按钮颜色 .btn-primary { background-color: $primary-color; border-color: $primary-color; } // 自定义次要按钮颜...
npm i mini-css-extract-plugin -D 然后在webpack.config.js中添加如下配置: const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");//配置loadermodule: { rules: [ { test:/\.css$/, use: [//"style-loader", // 创建style标签将样式放入//这个loader取代style-loader ,作用是将提取js中...