Advanced CSS MCQs: This section contains Advanced Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers. These Advanced CSS MCQs are written for beginners as well as advanced, practice these MCQs to enhance and test the knowledge of Advanced CSS. ...
8. CSS MCQ on CGI Programming & Miscellaneous The section contains CSS questions and answers on css transition and perl cgi programming. CSS Transition & Perl CGI Programming Miscellaneous If you would like to learn "CSS" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of 1000+ MCQ...
css language multiple-choice questions 1. the “color:red” in css can be known as ___: a. value b. declaration c. selector d. rule answer: (b) declaration 2. which selector do we use to specify the rule for binding some particular unique element? a. class b. tag c. both tag ...
The mock interview panel was very cooperative and helped me prepare questions related to my profile and guided me to structure my answers in a more precise and effective manner. They identified my strengths and areas where I needed improvement. Overall, the panel and especially Dr. Shahid...
Formative individual feedback will be provided to students throughout each computer laboratory practical session (asking questions and checking practical answers is encouraged), drop-in sessions and the Q&A forum. Generic and individual written feedback will be provided for both in-course summative asse...
CSS MCQs: This section contains Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers. These CSS MCQs are written for beginners as well as advanced, practice these MCQs to enhance and test the knowledge of CSS. List of CSS MCQs ...