Using grid to create a horizontal list in CSS We can also use the grid layout to align list items horizontally. To do so we have to set thedisplay:gridon the parent container (theorelement). ul { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); } This creates a grid with 3 ...
Now, apply one of the stripe techniques to the horizontal line. Here I use linear-gradients to make the affect. The horizontal line's border is cleared and the size is set to 40px. The 40px is arbitrary, the important thing is to make the first two linear gradients half the HR's he...
[CSS3] Make a horizontal-scrolling Menu Our web app on desktop may use elements that use great deal of width. On many occasions we can’t simply turn these elements into columns so that they fit on a small screen. Such elements may not only fit inadequately on small screens, they could...
.dl-horizontal 可以让 内的短语及其描述排在一行。开始是像 的默认样式堆叠在一起,随着导航条逐渐展开而排列在一行。 Description lists A description list is perfect for defining terms. Euismod Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec id elit non mi...
Horizontal description Make terms and descriptions in line up side-by-side. Starts off stacked like default s, but when the navbar expands, so do these. Description lists A description list is perfect for defining terms. Euismod Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper eget lacinia ...
The web is a rather vertical place. You read a web site like you read a physical page: left to right, top to bottom. But sometimes, you want to step away from the verticality of it all and do something crazy: make a horizontal list. Or even crazier, a horizontal site!
The result will be a scrollable area that uses iOS touch based inertia scrolling where relevant but only in the horizontal direction. Note 2:when you want a flexible width container (e.g. width: 100% so it fills the parent) some OS’s require an additional nested element to contain the ...
These moving parts let you do things such as apply a background image that scrolls along with the items. When the surface area is bigger than the viewport, the viewport shows scrollbars (vertical or horizontal, as needed). Styling ListView items is straightforward. There are .win-item and ...
.o-grid__item{container-type:inline-size;}.c-article{/* The default style */}@container(min-width:400px){.c-article{/* The styles that will make the article horizontal** ** instead of a card style.. */}} 首先,我们需要在定义container-type。然后,使用@container开始查询。一旦满足了这个...
If you want to make this navigational unordered listhorizontal, you have basically two options: Make the list itemsinlineinstead of the { display: inline; }This will not force breaks after the list items and they will line up horizontally as far as they are able. ...