Since, in designing a website sometimes we need a banner image that fits on screen without any space around the image. And sometimes we need a section that filled with background image without any space around that section. So, in this we will learn how
If preserving the full image without cropping is important, usebackground-size: contain;. This will make the image fit within the container without distortion, but there might be empty spaces on the sides or top/bottom. Usebackground-size: 100% 100%for full stretching ...
css & object-fit & background-image object-fit /*default fill */ object-fit:fill|contain|cover|scale-down|none|initial|inherit; 1. 2. object-fit demo See the Pen object-fit by xgqfrms (@xgqfrms) on CodePen. padding-top 将padding-top 设置成百分比,可以让一个div的高度被撑开 .three...
css & object-fit & background-image object-fit object-fit demo See the Pen object-fit by xgqfrms (@xgqfrms) on CodePen. padding-top 将padding-top 设置成百分比,可以让一个div的高度...
除了object-fit,我们还有object-position属性,负责将图像在容器内进行定位。 object-position的可能值 object-position属性与 CSS 的background-position属性类似: image.png 大多数情况下,默认值会被使用(即center或50% 50%) 当容器的纵横比在垂直方向上更大时,top和bottom关键字也可以使用: ...
至于background-position,它类似于object-position的工作方式。唯一的区别是,object-position的默认位置与background-position的默认位置不同。 什么时候不使用object-fit或background-size? 如果元素或图像被赋予一个固定的高度,并应用了background-size: cover或object-fit: cover,那么图像就会有一个点太宽,从而失去重要...
object-fit: fill 这个就是默认值, 也就是图片会变形. object-fit: none 跟cover 有点像, 只是它不会压小, 它就直接 clip 中间. 这时也是可以用 object-position 来调整. 通常这时就是调 2 边 holizontal 和 vertical object-fit: none; object-position: 70% 0%; ...
As in, don’t load some huge 1900px wide background image for an iPhone. First, you’d make images like 1024.jpg, 1280.jpg, 1366.jpg, etc. Then, instead of loading an image, you’d load a shim. If you don’t like the gif shim (personally I think it’s OK because it’s n...
background: white; } /* Make the image fit the box */ #boxshadow img { width: 100%; border: 1px solid #8a4419; border-style: inset; } #boxshadow::after { content: ''; position: absolute;z-index: -1; /* hide shadow behind image */ ...
After all, you can't expect all your visitors to surf with a browser window opened to a perfect multiple of the dimensions of your image. An example may make this clearer. Let's say we want to use's logo as a background image. This is a rectangular picture ...