复制 .line-limit-length{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;//文本不换行,这样超出一行的部分被截取,显示...}最新消息:神秘地球黑洞深不可测,不停吸入周围海水。//图标字体 (2). 可以给定容器宽度限制,超出部分省略 代码语言:javascript 复制 .product-buyer-name{max-width:110px;overfl...
}break;default:varlimitNum =parseInt(limit);if(!limitNum){ console.log('limit不合法:'+limit);returnfalse;}varolds =that.text(); olds=$.trim(olds);varnews = olds.substring(0, limitNum)+"...";if(olds.length >limitNum){ that.text(news); that.attr("data-news", news); that.attr(...
.line-limit-length { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; //文本不换行,这样超出一行的部分被截取,显示... }最新消息:神秘地球黑洞深不可测,不停吸入周围海水。//图标字体 (2). 可以给定容器宽度限制,超出部分省略 .product-buyer-name{max-width:110px;overflow: hidden;text...
修改后效果: 农牧养殖设备 --- 正文开始 (1).文字超出一行,省略超出部分,显示'...' 如果这种情况比较多,可以取一个切合作用的类名用于复用。...line-limit-length { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; //文本不换行,这样超出一行的部分被截取...,显示... } 最新消息:神...
// 字数限制30字,超出省略号代替functionTruancate(textHolder,limit=30){lettxt=textHolder.innerHTML;if(txt.length>limit){letnewText=txt.substr(0,limit)+' ...';textHolder.innerHTML=newText;}}复制代码 二:计算行数截断多行文本 javascript 方法 ...
Once this is up and running, I'll go through the spec and remove any references to the line length limit. No need to bother authors and designers with that stuff, we'll just let the GCweb CSS take care of it automatically. Although this will be a global change that will affect a lo...
The max-width property, on the other hand, sets an upper limit for the width of an element. You specify a maximum width value, just like you do with the width property. In many cases, you'll use both width and max-width properties together to create responsive layouts. For example, yo...
SummaryLength SuppressAutoHyphens SuppressBottomSpacing SuppressLineNumbers SuppressOverlap SuppressSpacingAtTopOfPage SuppressSpacingBeforeAfterPageBreak SuppressTopSpacing SuppressTopSpacingWordPerfect SwapBordersFacingPages SymbolChar TabChar 表格 TableBorders TableCaption TableCell TableCellBorders TableCel...
The text-transform CSS property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized. It also can help improve legibility for ruby.
Each value is a <length>, a <percentage>, or the keyword auto. Negative values draw the element closer to its neighbors than it would be by default. When one value is specified, it applies the same margin to all four sides. When two values are specified, the first margin applies to ...