<input type="text"name="twitter"id="twitter"placeholder="e.g. @sandropaganotti"title="Your twitter username, starting with @"pattern="@[a-zA-Z0-9]+"> <label class="label"for="twitter"> Twitter:</label> <footer></footer> </fieldset> ...
If you don’t want that styling, you can remove it in one fell swoop with appearance. input[type=search] { -webkit-appearance: none; } Or you could take a input with type=text and just make it look like a search input: input[type=text] { -webkit-appearance: searchfield; } Code...
}$this->journal2->html_classes->removeClass('backface'); $cache_property ="module_journal_slider_{$setting['module_id']}_{$setting['layout_id']}_{$setting['position']}"; $cache =$this->journal2->cache->get($cache_property);if($cache ===null||self::$CACHEABLE !==true) { ...
ResetinputInputevent_busyEvent Busyflutter_dashFlutter Dashmore_timeMore Timesave_asSave Asmodel_trainingModel TrainingbackupBackupalarm_onAlarm OnaccessibilityAccessibilitydynamic_feedDynamic FeedpageviewPageviewhome_app_logoHome App Logoperm_contact_calendarPerm Contact Calendarlabel_importantLabel Important...
The creator of this select menu wanted to remove the default from the selection options. This makes it behave similar to a placeholder in text fields. It is visible when the field is blank and disappears when you input a value. This select menu is fully compliant and works with the actual...
custom-control-inputclass - each dropdown item contains BS custom checkboxes It was a clear design goal to provide the MultiSelect that not require external css (use Bootstrap components only) but unfortunatly, if you do not use SCSS, this can be achived only for limited number of themes. ...