/* Change color of dropdown links on hover */ .dropdown-content a:hover{background-color:#f1f1f1} /* Show the dropdown menu on hover */ .dropdown:hover .dropdown-content{ display:block; } /* Change the background color of the dropdown button when the dropdown content is shown *...
} .dropdown:hover , .dropdown-content { display: block; animation:myfirst 1s; } @keyframes myfirst { from {background: red;} to {background: yellow;} } @-webkit-keyframes myfirst /* Safari 与 Chrome */ { from {background: red;} to {background: yellow;} }...
}/* Change color of dropdown links on hover */.dropdown-contenta:hover{background-color:#f1f1f1}/* Show the dropdown menu on hover */.dropdown:hover.dropdown-content{display: block; }/* Change the background color of the dropdown button when the dropdown content is shown */.dropdow...
/* Change color of dropdown links on hover */ .dropdown-content a:hover {background-color: #f1f1f1}/* Show the dropdown menu on hover */.dropdown:hover .dropdown-content { display: block;}/* Change the background color of the dropdown button when the dropdown content is shown *...
在a元素上写hover,后面是b元素 苹果 栗子 css,display: block; .a:hover .b { display:block; background: #2B7193; cursor: pointer; } 另外,如果元素b宽度需要满屏,而其中的元素又有距离左边距离等,则b 样式如下:需要设置width: 100%
if(x.className.indexOf("w3-show")== -1) { x.className+=" w3-show"; }else{ x.className= x.className.replace(" w3-show",""); } } Try it Yourself » Image Dropdowns Move the mouse over the image: Example Try it Yourself » Card Dropdown...
在上述代码中,.dropdown表示具有"dropdown"类名的元素,.dropdown-menu表示下拉菜单的样式。通过设置.dropdown .dropdown-menu的display为none,初始时隐藏下拉菜单;当鼠标悬停在.dropdown元素上时,通过.dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu选择器将下拉菜单的display属性设置为block,从而显示下拉菜单。 使用JavaScript...
下拉菜单 dropdown 工具栏 toolbar 分页page 缩略图 thumbnail 警告框 alert 进度条 progress 导航条 navbar 导航nav 子导航 subnav 面包屑 breadcrumb(crumb) 标签label 徽章badge 巨幕jumbotron 面板panel 洼地well 标签页 tab 提示框 tooltip 弹出框 popover ...
🌎 Atropos Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects. 🌎 wow.js Reveal Animations When You Scroll. chocolat.js Free lightbox plugin. 🌎 Animate On Scroll Animate on scroll library to reveal animations when Yo...