There could be a number of reasons why the CSS transition property might not be working for you. You can check the following list of things to fix some common/potential issues with using it:
通过js计算 auto的高度,然后设置height具体值。 css代码: .block{width:200px;height:100px;border:1px solid red;padding:20px;overflow:hidden;transition:all ease 0.8s; } js代码: $('button').click(function() {varBlock = $('.block');varheight =Block.height();;if(heigh...
On Safari 13.1 it is abrupt while on any other browser, Chrome/Firefox/older Safari included, the transition is smooth. Any fix or workaround (based on flex) please? Here is the CSS: section{ height: 200px; } .list{ display: flex; } .color{ display: flex; flex: 1 1 10em; overfl...
-webkit-transition: max-height 1s; transition: max-height 1s; } div:hover{ max-height:200px; } 我不是height,是max-height 我不是height,是max-height 我不是height,是max-height 我不是height,是max-height 我不是height,是max-height 我不是height...
js定时器的动画过渡暂不考虑,于是就想到transition过渡 一开始就想着用trasition动画过渡就搞定啦,试了一下后,发现有问题 折叠的元素的高度height必须得设置一个值才可以有过渡的效果,要不就过渡不了 折中一下,就用js动态获取子元素的高度,然后给值到折叠的元素上实现过渡了 ...
+1. Not being able to transition onheight: autoanddisplay: <anything!>(You can't even do atransition-delayondisplay) has always been a big pain. mblackritter, Zefling, danegraphics, tdaniel22, marsjaninzmarsa, SetTrend, SammyM, Voltra, DrewDouglass, and chriscalo reacted with thumbs ...
解决方法是转换max-height属性而不是height属性。首先,我们必须估计我们的元素能达到的最大高度。然后,当元素展开时,我们将该元素设置为max-height大于我们的估计值。 我们将height属性改为max-height: article{max-width:800px;max-height:300px;overflow-y:hidden;/* 增加过渡时间以适应高度 */transition:max-heig...
Method 2: Set the Transition Height Using CSS transform Property The 2d or 3d variations that can be implemented on HTML elements result from the “transform” property. You can perform different actions utilizing this property, such as scale, skew, translate and rotate. If you are not aware ...