The percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box’s containing block. Note that this is true for ‘margin-top’ and ‘margin-bottom’ as well. If the containing block’s width depends on this element, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1. 蹩脚的翻译...
/* 设置背景色随着视口宽度变化 */.full-width-bg{background-color:hsl(200,.png%,50%);/* 随视口宽度改变色相 */width:100vw;/* 宽度填满整个视口 */}/* 顶部导航栏高度固定为视口高度的10% */.navbar{height:10vh;} 三、特殊单位 1. 弹性单位(Ex,ex) ex单位基于当前字体的“x-height”,即...
The percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block.Note that this is true for 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' as well.If the containing block's width depends on this element, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1. padding的解释也是...
The CSSheightproperty is used to specify the height of an element. More specifically, theheightproperty sets the height of thecontent areaorborder area(depending on the value of thebox-sizingproperty) of certain boxes. You can use alengthorpercentageto specify the height, or you can use one...
}.in{height:100px;width:100px;background-color:lightgreen; } 测试文字 字间隔 字间隔是指单词间距,用来设置文字或单词之间的间距。实际上,"字"表示的是任何非空白符字符组成的串,并由某种空白符包围 [注意]单词之间用空格分开,单词之间的间距 = word-spacing...
percentage:将元素上移或下移一定距离。这个距离由相对于元素line-height值指定的一个百分数确定。 管理line-height 在前几节中我们已经了解到,改变一个行内元素的line-height可能导致文本行相互重叠。不过,在所有情况下,这种修改都是针对单个元素的,所以,如何以一种更一般的方式影响元素的line-height而避免内容重叠呢...
$("#myList").height(containerHeight - 18); } then I bind the window resize to recalc it whenever the browser window is resized (if container's size changed with window resize) $(window).resize(function() { setSizes(); }); 链接地址:...
I thought "margin-top" as a percentage would make the value vary based on the height of the parent container, but apparently it doesn't work that way. Resizing the window does nothing to the vertical positon of the inner div within the container div. This doesn't seem like it should ...
高度| height height指定元素内容区高度。内容区 content area在元素padding, border, and margin 的里面。 代码语言:javascript 复制 /* Keyword value */height:auto;/* <length> values */height:120px;height:10em;/* <percentage> value */height:75%;/* Global values */height:inherit;height:initial;...