那换个思路,给box1的高度设置 height: unset,auto,initial又是一顿操作,纹丝不动。 发现: 控制台调试竟然发现height可给的属性这么多,尝试给了个 fit-content,竟然成了 效果 .box { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; width: 500px; height: 200px; background-color: aqua; } .box1 { width...
翻译过来就是合适的内容,那么width:fit-content,fit-content关键字和display:inline-block和position:absolute的效果一样的。这样我们可以使用display:inline-block或者是display:table实现尺寸收缩效果,并且兼容性更好。为什么还要单独新增fit-content关键字呢? fit-content有两个有点: 保护了元素原始的diaplay计算值,比如...
CSS过渡(transition)是一种在元素状态改变时实现平滑动画效果的方法。然而,对于具有max-height: fit-content属性的元素,CSS过渡不适用。 max-height: f...
TestNotInList TestPass TestPlan TestPlanProperty TestPlans TestProperty TestResult TestResultDetails TestRun TestRunner TestRunProperty TestSettings TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage Textarea TextBlock TextBox TextCenter TextElement TextFile TextJustify TextLeft TextLineHeight TextRight...
[Example: Consider a WordprocessingML document which contains the following content within the web settings part:XML 複製 <w:webSettings> <w:doNotRelyOnCSS w:val="true" /> </w:webSettings> The doNotRelyOnCSS element has a val attribute value of true, which specifies that applications ...
height: 50px; color: ghostwhite; padding: 6px; margin: 2px; font-size: 18px; } The “.box” refers to the div class box. Below are the properties that are applied to it: “width” property with the value “fit-content” uses the available space, but it will not exceed the conten...
The replaced content is not resized to fit inside the element’s content box: determine the object’s concrete object size using the default sizing algorithm with no specified size, and a default object size equal to the replaced element’s used width and height. contain The replaced content...
<TabAtkins> fantasai: and that's not a reason to invent a new property every time <TabAtkins> q+ <florian> s/to using height with lh?/to using height with fit-content, but you'd use it in combination with min-height / max-height with lh?/ <TabAtkins> fantasai: in terms of othe...
2- tracks grow not equally Member css-meeting-bot commented Aug 23, 2017 The CSS Working Group just discussed fit-content() vs 'stretch' alignment. The full IRC log of that discussion <dael> Topic: fit-content() vs 'stretch' alignment <dael> github topic: https://github.com//issues/...
max-height: The maximum height of an element* padding: The space around the element's content (Note:Setting a background paints the padded space of an element) border: The border surrounding an element's padded space border-radius: The roundness of any given corner of an element ...