height: 100%; background:#fff; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr; grid-template-rows: 30fr 30fr 30fr 30fr; grid-gap: 10px; } .item_img { background-image: url('https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1573480813647-552e9b7b5394?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQ...
How to make a grid (like graph paper grid) with just css? To make grids you can use CSS gradients, which work on all modern browsers (see Caniuse). Use linear gradients to draw alined grid: body{background-size:40px 40px;background-image:linear-gradient(to right, grey 1px, transpar...
grid-template-columns 和 grid-template-rows 属性演示地址: https://codepen.io/gpingfeng/pen/BajEBYq?editors=1100 grid-template-columns属性设置列宽,grid-template-rows属性设置行高,这两个属性在Grid布局中尤为重要,它们的值是有多种多样的,而且它们的设置是比较相似的,下面针对grid-template-columns属性进行...
CSS background-image property is used to add a background image on an element or the webpage. CSS background-image property is used to add a background image on an element or the webpage. For example, body { background-image: url("girl-avatar.png"); } B
How to make a grid (like graph paper grid) with just css? To make grids you can use CSS gradients, which work on all modern browsers (see Caniuse). Use linear gradients to draw alined grid: body{background-size:40px 40px;background-image:linear-gradient(to right, grey 1px, transpar...
grid-* (various) height (length and percentage) left (length and percentage) letter-spacing (length) line-height (number, length and percentage) margin-bottom (length) margin-left (length) margin-right (length) margin-top (length) max-height (length and percentage) max-width (length and per...
Grid 布局的属性分成两类。一类定义在容器上面,称为容器属性;另一类定义在项目上面,称为项目属性。这部分先介绍容器属性。 3.1 display 属性 display: grid指定一个容器采用网格布局。 div{ display: grid; } [图片上传失败...(image-959bfa-1558926408050)] ...
当心! 如果你想删除某个渐变,确保将你所添加的针对 IE 的 filter 一并删除。你可以通过使用 .reset-filter() mixin 和 background-image: none; 达到目的。实用工具 mixin实用工具 mixin 用于与不相关的 CSS 结合以达到特定目的或任务。Clearfix -- 清除浮动建议为需要清除浮动的元素使用 .clearfix() mixin ,...
If you look at the grid you will notice that the repeating pattern is column+gutter pairs. We’re usingrepeating linear gradientsas abackground-image. We’ll set the size of thebackground-imageto100% + guttermaking the repeating pattern100% / columnswide and the actual column(100% / colum...
background-color:lightblue; } h1{ color:white; text-align:center; } p{ font-family:verdana; font-size:20px; } Try it Yourself » Click on the "Try it Yourself" button to see how it works. CSS Examples Learn from over 300 examples! With our editor, you can edit the CSS, and cl...