Addinggrid-template-rows: 1fr min-content;to your.gridwill get you exactly what you're after :). .grid{display: grid;grid-template-columns:1fr3fr;grid-template-rows:1fr min-content;grid-template-areas:"one two""one three"}.one{background: red;grid-area: one;padding:50px0; }.two{b...
Make grid item use remaining space like flex item with flex-grow: 1 How to make the items in the last row consume remaining space in CSS Grid? How to make CSS Grid last row to take up remaining space Hiding a left column in CSS Grid How to get the effect of gr...
We see the same with grid layouts. Below is the simplest of grid layouts, two columns with a sidebar and main content. I’m using those fraction units again; the sidebar has 1 fraction of the available space, and the main content 3 fractions. The background color on the sidebar runs to...
.grid{display:grid;grid-template-columns:150pxauto150px;grid-template-rows:repeat(3,100px);grid-gap:1em;} This says that our.gridelement has three columns (two set to 150px and one that flexibly occupies the remaining space) and three row (all set to 100px for demonstration purposes). ...
That said, auto track sizes can’t win a fight against fr units when allocating the remaining space — they adjust to the maximum size of their content. Take a look at the result of these two track examples: grid-template-rows: auto auto auto; grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto; When...
Column 4 ("2fr"): Column takes up two fraction units of the remaining space.Because there are three total fraction units in this grid, Column 3 is allotted 1 fraction unit divided by 3 fraction units—or 1/3—of the remaining space. Column 4 is allotted 2/3 of the remaining space.Ass...
Thank you for this course Jen Kramer and Frontend Masters! Just finished laying out a website post taking this course with CSS Grid, and it took about half the time it would have taken with my previous method using flexbox. Jamaal Amedee ...
()function, and the first and last column would be set using thefrunit, to share a specified fraction of the remaining available space. What we’re left with is a center-aligned responsive grid layout, in the browser. And because this is all powered by CSS, we can use media queries ...
For example, if you have a grid with 4 columns as in the following snippet, the 1st column will be 300px, the second 80px (10% of 800px), the 3rd and 4th columns will be 210px (each occupying half of the remaining space): main { width: 800px; display: grid; grid-template-colum...
We could have also used 50% 50%, but then we’d have to do some extra math to account for the grid-gap.) At large sizes, we apply the same technique to the container, except we make the first column 2fr so it will take up two-thirds of the available space: @media (min-width:...