grid-template-rows:autominmax(min-content,1fr)auto; 横屏时的区块分布 使用grid-template-areas定义区域,取值中每个字符串表示一行,字符串中每个单词用于定义区域名称,字符串中单词的数量则用于确定列的数量,每个字符串中单词数量必须相同。 grid-template-areas:"title board""stats board""score ctls"; 横屏 ...
Grid can only become second nature throughdeliberate practice. We'll cement Grid into your brain throughspaced repetitionwhile you enjoy a course that feels like a video game. To really understand CSS Grid, you need to go deep and you need to practice. This course is gamification done right....
CSSGrid Free How well can you tend to your carrot garden using CSS grid? In this game, you must water your carrot crops and poison the weeds by mastering CSS grid, a powerful new module that makes 2-dimensional grid layouts a piece of cake. With it you can define columns, rows, and...
基础概念我看的是大漠大大的博客,总结的真的灰常好 传送门: 看过基础概念,其实很多熟悉类似于flex 最重要的就是怎么合并单元格! 通过这个game我收获了很多 http://cssg...
Level1of1▾ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next Want to learn more CSS? PlayFlexbox FroggyorAnchoreum.
如您所见,.game-boarddiv 是网格容器,而.boxdiv 是网格项。现在我们将通过 Grid 布局来实现 3×3 布局。 CSS 代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 .game-board{display:grid;grid-template-rows:200px 200px 200px;grid-template-columns:200px 200px 200px;} ...
2.Grid Gritters 地址 CSS Grid是 CSS 中最难掌握的部分之一,也是最枯燥的部分之一。这个网站将帮助你以有趣的方式掌握 CSS Grid。 3.CodeCombat 地址 一个适合初学者的多人实时编码策略游戏来学习编程的网站。 4.Knights of the Flexbox 地址
grid-template 属性是 grid-template-rows 和 grid-template-columns 的简写语法。 这是它的语法: CSS 代码:grid-template: ro ws / co lu mns; 我们上面的例子使用这个简写语法后,看起来非常整齐。 CSS 代码{ display: grid; grid-template: repeat(3, 1fr) / repeat(3, 1fr);} ...
如您所见,.game-board div 是网格容器,而 .box div 是网格项。现在我们将通过 Grid 布局来实现 3×3 布局。 CSS 代码: .game-board { display: grid; grid-template-rows: 200px 200px 200px; grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px; ...
We made this game for You? 1. You often stumble and try to figure out which combination of Grid properties makes the browser do what you want it to do. 2. You are scared by the number of properties a CSS Grid has, and you feel uncomfortable when you need to create a grid layout....