I need to draw a horizontal line after some block, and I have three ways to do it: 1) Define a classh_lineand add css features to it, like #css.hline{width:100%;height:1px;background:#fff}#htmlLorem 2) Usehrtag #csshr {width:100%;height:1px;background:#fff}#htmlLorem 3)...
for 在循环语句中的一个保留字 four 4个 G gif 一种图像格式 gray [grei] 灰色 green [gri:n] 绿色 H hack [hæk] 常用于CSS中的一些招数,或者类似于偏方的技巧 hand [hænd] 手 head [hed] 头部 height [hait] 高度 help [help] 帮助 here [hiə] 这里 hidden ['hidn] 被隐藏 home [...
I need to draw a horizontal line after some block, and I have three ways to do it: 1) Define a classh_lineand add css features to it, like 代码解读 #css .hline { width:100%; height:1px; background: #fff } #html Lorem 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2) Usehrtag 代码解读 #css hr {...
Since the beginning of HTML, or at least as far back as I can remember the U element has been a quick and dirty way to insert a horizontal line or horizontal rule to a web page. The U element is great because it can be used for the following scenarios: Thematic Break Semantics Better...
Now, use CSS properties to draw a horizontal line: We will use the “border-bottom” property, which is associated with one to three values for line width, line type, and color. The below-provided example sets its value as “6px solid rgb(80,80,78)”. ...
This creates a nice even distribution with breathing room between the items. It’s useful for things like navigation menus, chips, tags, and other horizontal list layouts. Thespace-aroundlets the child items be distributed in a line with equal spaces around them. ...
“border-top” is utilized for making the horizontal line dotted. “height” and “width” are used to determine the element’s size: It can be observed that we have successfully drawn a dotted line. Conclusion To draw a dotted line with CSS, first, add a simple line with the help of...
To make (create) a horizontal line in HTML using CSS, you can use border-right, border-left, margin-right, and margin-left properties with the specified height and width values and apply these properties on any container element like div, p, etc. You can also specify the colors....
如果想让内容块在贴近侧边的过程中保持水平居中,可以使用right: 0; left: auto; 让内容贴在右侧,或者使用left: 0; right: auto; 使内容贴在左侧。top和bottom同理 扩展性:父元素宽高改变,子元素仍然居中,但是子元素只能固定宽高 兼容性:主流浏览器均支持,IE6不支持 ...