当页面内容高度小于屏幕高度时,Footer 固定在屏幕底部;当页面内容高度大于屏幕高度时,Footer 固定在页面底部,即:跟随在内容尾部,滚动条到最底部时看到。踩过的坑 第 1 种方案:绝对定位 + padding body{ position : relative; padding-bottom: 60px;}footer{ position : absolute; bottom : 0;...
页面中的html,body,container都必须满足height:100%,这样就可以占满整个屏幕(页面),footer使用相对定位bottom:0,固定在页面底部,页面主体page容器容易必须要设置一个大于等于footer高度的padding-bottom,目的就为了将footer的高度计算在page容器中,这样一来footer就会始终固定在页面底部了。 我们先来看下html结构, <divid...
即设定的width表现得像min-width。 完整代码:https://github.com/JChehe/CSS-Sticky-Footer/blob/master/CSS%20Sticky%20Footer.html 参考:http://ryanfait.com/resources/footer-stick-to-bottom-of-page/
首先需要在header,container,footer外添加一个盒子#wrapper把他们包住, 然后要将#wrapper设置样式min-height:100%; position:relative; 再通过给#footer设置position:absolute;bottom:0; 这样#footer就会保持在页面的最下方。 原文出处Roy'Blog:《使用css让Footer 保持在页面底部的方法》 感谢阅读...
CSS to make HTML page footer stay at bottom of the page with a minimum height, but not overlap the page 我有下一页(deadlink:http://www.workingstorage.com/Sample.htm页),它有一个页脚,我不能让它位于页面底部。 我要页脚 当页面较短且屏幕未填满时,贴在窗口底部,以及 停留在文档结尾,当内容...
Fixed Footer To make the footer fixed, in CSS set the footer's position to fixedposition:fixedand position the footer to the bottom of the pagebottom:0px. Here's a code snippet fromCSS-Tricks. #footer{position:fixed;left:0px;bottom:0px;height:30px;width:100%;background:#999; ...
I have asample pageavailable to see this in action. Many thanks to Steve Hatcher who made my job a lot easier. Update Someone reported that they have a roughly 45 pixel white gap at the bottom of footer of the sample and that they saw this on Firefox 3.5.3 on Vista. I’ve tested ...
However, if the page has small amount of content, the footer can sometimes ‘cling’ to the bottom of the content, floating halfway down the page, and leaving a blank space underneath. Depending on the design, this can look a little amateur, and it’s especially bad on large screens. ...
[url]http://www.w3cplus.com/css/css-sticky-foot-at-bottom-of-the-page[/url] css 3c 原创 pyzheng 2023-05-16 13:39:27 242阅读 如何将页脚固定在页面底部 作为一个Web的前端攻城师,在制作页面效果时肯定有碰到下面这种现象:当一个HTML页面中含有较少的内容时,Web页面的“footer”部分随着飘上来...
HTML CSS sticky footer solution that works in all modern browsers + Mobile & HTML5. Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, Opera, Chrome.