<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>双飞翼页面布局</title> <style type="text/css"> *{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } body,html{ height: 100%; font: 20px/40px"microsoft yahei"; color: black; } #container{ width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; heigh...
Theem unit is a scalable font size unit. It isrelated to the font size of the parent container. One em (1em) is equal to the current font size. So for example, if the parent element has a font size of 16px then 1em is equal to 16px, 2em is equal to 32px and so on… Mak...
也就是说,font-variation-settings 是同时支持多个字体样式一起变化的,这一点非常重要。 到这里,其实我们已经可以利用这个实现题图所示的效果了,我们简单改造下,添加多行,再给每行设定一个负的动画延迟即可: <div class="g-container"> <ul> <li>ANYBODY</li> <li>ANYBODY</li> <li>ANYBODY</li> <li>AN...
@font-face{font-family:'Anybody';src:url('https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/61488/ETCAnybodyPB.woff2')format('woff2-variations');font-display: block;font-style: normal italic;font-weight:100900;font-stretch:10%400%; }p{font-family:'Anybody';font-size:48px;animation: fo...
font-size: 1emis equivalent tofont-size: 100%. emand%units arenotalways equivalent in other contexts; for example,width: 1emandwidth: 100%would most likely be very different, since in that case, the percentage is based on the parent container’s width, and not its font size. But%andem...
2. Font Size Using Relative Value Relative value sets the size relative to its parent elements. Relative values are specified using the keyword and percentage values. For example, HTML CSS div{font-size:20px; }divh1{font-size:1.25em; ...
To size an image or video relative to its container,object-fitprovides similar values asbackground-size, whilecoverandcontainboth maintain aspect ratios.coverwill fill the container with the object and clip along the greater dimension, whilecontainwill show the entire object with empty space along ...
qh: 1/100th of the container height qi: 1/100th of the container inline-size qb: 1/100th of the container block-size qmin: the smaller of qw and qh qmax: the larger of qw and qh .examples { font-size: calc(1em + 0.2qmin); /* 1em */ font-size: clamp(1em, 5qw, 3em)...
现在对于 CSS:我们首先需要指示 container 将 box. 我还将应用一个通用的宽度和高度,因为我们没有任何实际的内容在播放。 代码语言:javascript 复制 #container{<font></font>width:600px;<font></font>height:450px;/* just for demo */<font></font><font></font>background:#e3e3e3;<font></font>ma...