.flex-center-vertically{display:flex;justify-content:center;flex-direction:column;height:400px;} 注意,只有父容器具有固定高度(px,%等),这才是真正相关的,这就是为什么这里的容器有一个高度。 如果这两种技术都出来了,你可以使用“ghost element”技术,其中全高度伪元素被放置在容器内,文本与该元素垂直对齐。
上面的方式不可行的话,还可以使用 flexbox,flex 只有一个子元素的话,要实现垂直居中还是很简单的。 .flex-center-vertically { display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; height: 400px; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 对于flexbox 方法,原文中说到父元素有指定高度之后,这种方法才有意...
首先也可以使用padding;也可尝试与display:table-cell相结合设置vertical-align:middle; 或者用flexbox, A single flex-child can be made to center in a flex-parent pretty easily.前提是父级的高度固定 .flex-center-vertically{display:flex;justify-content:center;flex-direction:column;height:400px; } 或者...
Flex items lining up in a row (inline) but should stack vertically 我正在使用flexbox将文本放置在div中的中心位置,但这似乎可以使文本的两行(均为p标记)不以正常的块属性显示(即,它们模糊显示在 同一行而不是堆叠,这是理想的结果)。 我愿意删除flexbox,如果我可以在div中获取文本(两个p标记)以在垂直和...
column:Stacks the flexible items vertically, from top to bottom. row-reverse:Stacks flex items horizontally, from right to left. column-reverse:Stacks flex items vertically, from bottom to top. flex-wrap:Flex items will attempt to fit into a single line by default. Thus, the excess items wi...
In most modern browsers, you can also use flex box like so: .center-content { /* Anything inside me will be vertically centered */ display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; height:/* whatever you want */; } I’ve only had problems with this in safari and <=IE...
一个flex-child可以简单地在flex-parent的中心.(注意设置高度) 核心代码 .flexParent{display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;height:200px;} 效果如下 使用flex布局多行文本居中 使用flex布局多行文本居中JSbin演示 2.3block元素垂直居中 ...
如果没法用类table方式,可能你需要用flexbox?单个的flex子元素可以非常简单的被一个flex父元素垂直居中: CSS: 123456 .flex-center-vertically {display: flex;justify-content: center;flex-direction: column;height: 400px;} 请记住这个方法仅仅适用于父容器具有一个固定的额高度(px,%,等等),这也是为什么容器有...
Use the flex-direction property with column value to set the flex-items vertically You can try to run the following code to implement the column value: Example Live Demo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .mycontainer { display: flex; flex-direction: column; background-color: orange;...
In this article, we’ll look at five ways to horizontally and vertically center a div using CSS Grid. Of course, these centering techniques can be used on any kind of element. We’ve also covered how to center elements horizontally and vertically usingFlexboxandpositioning with transforms. ...