If you need to disable the "Do not use empty rulesets" VS Code linting rule: Press Ctrl + Shift + P (or Command + Shift + P on macOS). Note: you can also press F1 to open the Command Palette. Type user settings and select Preferences: Open User Settings. You can also open the ...
Do not use empty rulesetscss(emptyRules) code显示这个 怎么解决?写回答1回答 好帮手慕星星 2020-07-17 同学你好,是这个提示信息吗? 这是因为div中没有样式写入,为空。所以给了提示,并不影响代码执行哦,可以不用管。 不知道同学是不是这个问题,如果不是,建议描述具体一些,在什么情况下有的提示,便于帮助解...
图片来自于菜鸟教程,仅作为学习记录 分类:Web前端---基础 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 XiaoChen9301 粉丝-0关注 -0 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 »VSCode使用记录:Do not use empty rulesetscss(emptyRules) posted @2022-08-16 23:52XiaoChen9301阅读(22) 评论(0)编辑收藏举报...
emptyRulesWarn about empty rulesetswarning importStatementWarn about using animportstatement as import statements are loaded sequentially which has a negative impact on web page performanceignore boxModelDo not usewidthorheightwhen usingpaddingorborderignore ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 // csscomb为css排序// csscomb 保存时,为css排序"csscomb.formatOnSave":true,// 使用自定义排序风格, 官方推荐的三个: csscomb、yandex、zen"csscomb.preset":{"remove-empty-rulesets":true,"always-semicolon":true,"color-case":"upper","block-indent":" ","color-shorthand"...
在搜索栏中输⼊“csscomb”,就可以找到该插件并安装了。 ⼆、配置 在Visual Studio Code的“⽂件”->“⾸选项”->“设置”中,添加⼀⾏如下: 然后,在项⽬的根⽬录下,添加⼀个⽂件,名为“.csscomb.json”,修改内容如下:{ "exclude": [".git/**",
// csscomb为css排序// csscomb 保存时,为css排序"csscomb.formatOnSave":true,// 使用自定义排序风格, 官方推荐的三个: csscomb、yandex、zen"csscomb.preset":{"remove-empty-rulesets":true,"always-semicolon":true,"color-case":"upper","block-indent":" ","color-shorthand":false,"element-case":"...
css.lint.emptyRules: Do not use empty rulesets. default:"warning"Valid options: ["ignore","warning","error"] css.lint.importStatement: Import statements do not load in parallel. default:"ignore"Valid options: ["ignore","warning","error"] ...
This directive tells the browser how to render a specific element on the HTML page. It consists of a selector and a declaration block that follows the ruleset. Selectors can be attached to other selectors to be identified by rulesets.