为<form> 元素添加 .form-inline 类可使其内容左对齐并且表现为 inline-block 级别的控件。只适用于视口(viewport)至少在 768px 宽度时(视口宽度再小的话就会使表单折叠)。 可能需要手动设置宽度 在Bootstrap 中,输入框和单选/多选框控件默认被设置为 width: 100%; 宽度。在内联表单,我们将这些元素的宽度设置为...
存在href属性并且属性值包含"XXX"的<a>元素 a[href*="XXX"]{font-size:2em;} 存在href属性并且属性值结尾是".com"的<a>元素 a[href$=".com"]{font-style:italic;} 存在class属性并且属性值包含以空格分隔的"logo"的<a>元素 a[class~="logo"]{padding:2px;} 多语言属性 示例: 将所有包含lang属性...
length#em length#ex F fallback (@counter-style) field-sizing fill fill-opacity fill-rule filter <filter-function> :first :first-child ::first-letter (:first-letter) ::first-line (:first-line) :first-of-type fit-content() <flex> flex flex-basis flex-direction flex-flow flex-grow flex...
Demo 地址:codepen.io/airen/full/Y 上面你所看到的只是 :has() 最简单地使用,它可以帮助你做更为复杂的事情,甚至是一些带交互行为的操作。比如下面这个示例,使用 :has() 选择器和状态选择器,可以实现一个纯 CSS 制作的评分组件(StarRating):Demo 地址:codepen.io/airen/full/p...
rem (root em) units Scoped Styles: the @scope rule selector list argument of :not() selector list argument of :nth-child and :nth-last-child CSS pseudo-classes Small, Large, and Dynamic viewport units SVG in CSS backgrounds system-ui value for font-family ...
As we wrap up our recent poll on ordering CSS properties, it brings up the larger issue of CSS style guides. Ordering properties is just one choice you have
Similarly, for a gradient used as a list-style-image, the box would be a 1em square, which is the default object size for that property. Gradients are specified by defining the starting point and ending point of a gradient line (which, depending on the type of gradient, may be ...
<strong><em>This is really important!</em></strong> HTML Editors Now that we’ve gotten the basic theory out of the way. It’s time tolearn how to build our first website. First off, we must ensure that we have the right tools. Most important, we need an HTML editor. ...