引用: 没有写 display: block 之前,无法设置 width和height 内联元素(inline element)行内元素 a - 锚点 abbr - 缩写 acronym - 首字 b - 粗体(不推荐) bdo - bidi override big - 大字体 br - 换行 cite - 引用 code - 计算机代码(在引用源码的时候需要) dfn - 定义字段 em - 强调 font - 字体...
块元素(block element)和内联元素(inline element)都是html规范中的概念。块元素和内联元素的基本差异是块元素一般都从新行开始。而当加入了CSS控制以后,块元素和内联元素的这种属性差异就不成为差异了。比如,我们完全可以把内联元素cite加上CSS display block这样的属性,让他也有每次都从新行开始的属性。 可变元素的基...
The display Property Values Thedisplayproperty has many values: ValueDescription inlineDisplays an element as an inline element blockDisplays an element as a block element contentsMakes the container disappear, making the child elements children of the element the next level up in the DOM ...
<display-outside> These keywords specify the element's outer display type, which is essentially its role in flow layout. block The element generates a block-level box. inline The element generates an inline-level box. run-in The element generates a run-in box. Run-in elements act like inl...
The CSS display property specifies how an element is displayed. It can hide elements, specify block or inline mode, or change their layout models such as flexbox and grid.
通过设置 display: inline-block; 并添加少量的内补(padding),将所有元素放置于同一行。 Lorem ipsum Phasellus iaculis Nulla volutpat <ul class="list-inline"> <li>...</li> </ul> 描述 带有描述的短语列表。 Description lists A description list is perfect for defining terms. Euismod Vestibulum...
However, there is an alternative with display: inline-block. Problems with float The problem when you have float in your CSS code is that you need to take some precaution to make the surrounding element to encompass the floated elements, and also to avoid following elements in the code to ...
我们可以为其他元素应用 text-indent 属性,而不仅是段落元素。但默认情况下对 em、strong、cite 等内联元素没有效果。可以将它们设置为 display: block; 或display: inline-block;,就可以强制为其应用 text-indent 属性。 使用负数会产生悬挂缩进。使用悬挂缩进时,可能还需要增加文字框周围的内边距或外边距,从而让容...
This value causes an element to generate an inline-level block container. The inside of an inline-block is formatted as a block box,and the element itself is formatted as an atomic inline-level box. 这段文字出自W3C。翻译整理一下:inline-block元素把自己变成特殊的inline元素,对于相邻的元素来说表...
You may alternatively use an inline element with .small in place of any <small>. This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print. <small>This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.</small> Bold For emphasizing a snippet of text with a heavier font-weight. The ...